Today We Salute America’s Miners
December 6, 2016
Every December 6, we celebrate National Miners Day, a day to appreciate, honor and remember miners of past, present and future.
Despite the key role mining plays in virtually every aspect of our daily lives, it is likely the most important profession most Americans don’t spend a great deal of time thinking about.
A national poll conducted last week found that half of Americans said mining was important to their lives. But when informed that mining provides affordable and reliable energy; the materials required for virtually all consumer products and infrastructure; the building blocks that are key to national defense technologies and equipment; and minerals that are used in medical technologies; that number jumped to nearly 80 percent.
The numbers give a glimpse into just how misunderstood our industry is.
Look no further than recent post-election coverage. Countless news outlets have questioned President-elect Trump’s ability to “save” coal. Yes, the Trump administration has clearly stated its desire to end the war on coal and abandon the relentless keep-it-in-the-ground policies that have been the hallmark of the current administration. This is good news for coal miners everywhere – and other industries that rely on coal. But no one is looking to be “saved.”
Coal miners are hardworking – they take great pride in their contributions to the U.S. economy and to American families. They didn’t want the welfare-like handouts proposed by Secretary Clinton during the campaign, and they aren’t looking to sit idly back and wait for our president elect to save them either.
America’s miners want to work. They want their government to allow them to compete in the market. And they want to continue to provide the reliable, affordable energy on which Americans rely and the raw materials that form the foundation of virtually all the industries and technologies on which our nation depends.
National Miners Day is about much more than recognizing our nation’s miners. It is about taking the time to truly appreciate miners’ contributions and sacrifices. To admire their hard work and drive to support our great country. And to understand and thank the people who make so much possible for their fellow Americans.
- On December 6, 2016