- June 3, 2014
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- June 3, 2014
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- Coal in the News
Obama’s Environmentalist Attack on America (Frontpage Mag)
- June 2, 2014
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Coal Fueled Energy = More Jobs for America’s Economy
Coal Fueled Energy = More Jobs for America’s Economy
Download Fact Sheet (PD- June 2, 2014
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- Coal in the News
NMA Statement on EPA Carbon Regulations
NMA Calls EPA’s Rules for Existing Power Plants a Flawed Approach that Will Raise Rates for Consumers and Businesses; Puts U.S....
- June 2, 2014
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- Coal in the News
National Mining Association: There is a better pathway (USA Today)
EPA's new greenhouse gas regulations are overzealous.
by Hal Quinn Like Americans everywhere, I e- June 2, 2014
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- Coal in the News
New Congress Must Rein In Runaway EPA (Newsmax)
The current Congress has abandoned its legislative and oversight responsibilities as established by constitutional separation of powers protections in allowing unelected.
- May 28, 2014
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- Coal in the News
Obama’s New EPA Rule Could Cost $51 Billion And 224,000 Jobs Per Year (IJReview)
A new studyÂ
- May 27, 2014
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- Coal in the News
New federal power plant rules will raise electricity prices (AL.com)
By Hal Quinn
Surging electricity prices during this year's harsh winter caught many consumers by surprise when
- May 21, 2014
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- Coal in the News
Cleaner air could mean higher electric bills
NEW YORK - Electricity prices are probably on their way up across much of the U.S. as coal-fired plants, the dominant...
- May 7, 2014
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- Coal in the News
New Poll Finds Most Americans Worried EPA Regulations Will Lead to Higher Electricity Prices
Most consumers also concerned EPA policies will lead to black-outs and brown-outs
Washington, D.C. --