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A Most Critical Material

Steel underpins modern society. As the world builds, urbanization increases, infrastructure expands and new technologies emerge to help meet soaring energy demand, steel is the essential material making it happen. And it is metallurgical coal that is used to produce 70% of the world’s steel. Metallurgical coal is a critical, strategic material that underpins economic […]

Manufacturers Join the Chorus: Keep the Coal Fleet Open

In just a matter of weeks, momentum has swung decisively in favor of preserving the coal fleet. First, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chairman, Mark Christie, put out a statement saying the nation must “stop the premature retirement of dispatchable generation.” He was followed by the Secretary of Energy, Chris Wright, who said the U.S. should […]

Choosing Energy Insecurity

Europe is once again reaping the rewards of its energy policy failures. Natural gas prices are surging, jumping 30 percent in the past two months to reach a two-year high. Cold, windless weather has meant rapidly depleting gas storage and rising prices. For the lucky few, dispatchable fuel diversity is helping temper price spikes. In […]

Power Demand Math Doesn’t Work Without Coal  

The nation’s grid operators are now forecasting 8.2 percent growth in electricity demand over just the next five years, largely driven by the rapid addition of AI data centers. That’s equivalent to hooking up nearly 50 million homes to the grid by 2029. It’s no secret, U.S. power supplies are already alarmingly tight, particularly in periods of […]

Gigawatts Hiding in Plain Sight

Where is the U.S. going to get the power needed to meet surging demand? It’s a question that has become a day-one issue for the Trump administration and the AI economic engine. Just how much power are we talking and how fast? A recent forecast sees U.S. electricity demand rising 128 gigawatts (GW) over just […]

Hitting the Ground Running

On his first day in office, President Trump declared an energy emergency and followed it with a flurry of executive orders and appointments to refocus the nation’s energy policy. That focus is shifting to the twin crises of rapidly eroding grid reliability and spiking costs for consumers—and not a moment too soon. Just this week, […]

Britain Reaps What It Sows

Who could have possibly seen this coming? After celebrating the closure of its last coal plant in 2024 with royal fanfare, Britain is finding itself woefully short of power this winter and facing crushing energy costs. Just last week, the British grid came perilously close to rolling blackouts as demand came within inches of eclipsing […]

Beginning the Year in Crisis

While Americans rang in the new year with “auld lang syne,” the electricity grid regulators at the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) were singing a very different tune: another winter grid crisis is here. On New Year’s Eve Jim Robb, NERC’s president and CEO, took to YouTube with a strong warning to the power […]

2024 in Review

Happy almost new year! Before we turn the page on 2024, it’s worth looking back on the stories and major developments that shaped – even reshaped – the energy landscape over the past 12 months. Years of warnings about rapidly eroding grid reliability collided with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA’s) regulatory agenda and the […]

NERC’s Christmas Present: Majority of the Nation Faces Blackout Risks

This should be the nail in the coffin of the Biden administration’s unworkable and downright dangerous regulatory policy undermining the nation’s power supply. According to new analysis from the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC), more than half of the nation faces blackout risks over the next decade due to capacity shortfalls. While these findings […]