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Opinion: Looming power shortages highlight flawed policy

Via The Eastern New Mexico News: While we prize the prosperity that has accompanied our information-driven economy, a serious threat to our prosperity has surfaced. We risk widespread electricity shortages due to the Biden Administration’s nonsensical plan to force the shutdown of coal plants before replacement power is available. If you’re not worried about the […]

Experts Warn of Grid Crisis as PA Senators Demand Green Energy

Via The Delaware Valley Journal: When the U.S. Senate approved the Inflation Reduction Act, Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) celebrated the legislation as “the most ambitious climate bill the Senate has ever passed.” Casey said he supported the Biden administration’s goal of reducing power from coal and natural gas sources. “It will shore up the U.S.’s […]

Congress Zeroes in on EPA’s Grid Reliability Crisis

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is supposed to consider grid reliability in its rulemakings on the nation’s power plants. But, as a recent series of Congressional hearings on the deteriorating state of the nation’s grid reliability have made abundantly clear, not only is EPA not serious about grid reliability, it’s driving the crisis. Last […]

The Senate Takes Measure of the Reliability Crisis

The Wall Street Journal asked in a recent editorial, “How many warnings does it take before the Biden Administration wakes up to the risks from its climate policies to the U.S. electric grid?” Here’s hoping it’s less than the number of licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop—mathematicians at New […]

The Biden Administration’s Arithmetic Problem

The Biden administration is building its entire energy agenda on a foundation of speed. Or as some members of the Biden energy team like to say, “deploy, deploy, deploy.” Their mandate is to build wind turbines, solar arrays, site transmission lines and reshore supply chains overnight while the U.S. (EPA) Environmental Protection Agency simultaneously tears […]

Could the EPA Break America’s Power Grid?

Via The Pottstown Mercury: As policymakers in Washington like to point out, America is undergoing an “energy transition.” But as Washington embarks on a major national shift toward renewable energy, there’s a serious question — can we manage this wide-scale transformation without losing the security and reliability of our existing power grid? The answer — […]

A Plan to Break the Grid

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rolled out its sweeping new climate rule last week. In the plan’s crosshairs is the generating capacity that meets 60% of the nation’s power. Should the EPA get its way, today’s coal and gas fleets will be largely disassembled nearly overnight, posing a remarkable threat to a grid already […]

FERC Testifies to the Importance of the Coal Fleet

As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) charges ahead with its regulatory agenda aimed at driving the coal fleet off the grid, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) was on Capitol Hill last week warning of dire grid reliability consequences from the accelerating loss of essential coal capacity From FERC to the North American Electric […]

FERC Stares Down the Reliability Crisis

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) sits right at the crossroads of the nation’s collapsing grid reliability and the increasingly disorderly energy transition. While FERC commissioners will be the first to tell you they don’t have the tiller for the nation’s energy policy, they do have a keen sense of whether the nation’s electricity markets […]

And the Winner is… 

If anyone’s taking nominations for misleading reports, we have a leading contender: a recent report that argues that rising electricity prices in West Virginia are the result of the state’s reliance on coal power, going as far to imply that coal is an economic burden on the state. The report is built on the fact […]