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The President vs. The Beltway

March 2, 2017 “We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every Government agency; imposing a new rule which mandates that for every 1 new regulation, 2 old regulations must be eliminated; and stopping a regulation that threatens the future and livelihoods of our […]

Trump Making Good on Promises to Coal Miners

Via The Orange County Register: Reducing harmful regulations and bringing back blue-collar jobs were major themes of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Now he is following through on those pledges. President Trump signed legislation repealing an Interior Department rule finalized in the waning days of the Obama administration that restricted the amount of coal mining debris […]

4 Major Issues Zinke Will Face on Day One

Via E&E Publishing: Ryan Zinke, a second-term Republican congressman, is expected to be confirmed this morning as the 52nd secretary of the Interior. When he enters the marbled halls of Interior’s headquarters in Washington later today, the former Navy SEAL will be the first Montanan to head the sprawling bureaucracy that manages more than 500 […]

President Hits the Mark in Speech to Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. – National Mining Association (NMA) president and CEO Hal Quinn issued this statement applauding President Trump’s speech last night to a joint session of Congress: “America’s miners applaud the president for his steadfast support for policies that stimulate economic opportunity, job creation and robust economic growth. Voters have stated a clear preference for […]

How Trump Maintains Anti-Regulatory Momentum

Via LifeZette: One of the themes emerging from the new Trump administration is a focus on overturning onerous regulations currently smothering American industries. It’s a laudable goal, since government rules bear so heavily on middle-class job creation. On Feb. 24, the president signed an executive order tasking officials with peeling back excess regulation. The president still […]

One Down, Two to Go

February 22, 2017 With the ceremonial removal of the stream rule in the Oval Office last week, a major burden on coal communities and threat to our diverse energy mix was lifted. But the danger from President Obama’s “keep it in the ground” regulatory tear lives on in two key policies: the moratorium on federal […]

NMA Salutes President Trump and Congress for Overturning Unnecessary Stream Rule and Saving Jobs

WASHINGTON, D.C. – National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn issued this statement today following President Trump’s signing of the congressional resolution of disapproval that overturns the stream rule: “By signing legislation Congress recently passed to overturn the stream rule, President Trump made a major down payment on his campaign pledge to revive […]

Trump to Sign Bill Repealing Obama’s Last-Minute Coal Rule

Via The Washington Examiner: President Trump is scheduled to sign a bill Thursday to roll back the Obama administration’s midnight regulations on the coal industry. The bill, called a resolution of disapproval, was passed by the Senate and House using special powers under the Congressional Review Act to reverse regulations. The resolution would repeal the […]

A Rollback, or a Reset?

February 15, 2017 This week the Senate will send a belated Valentine to blue-collar Americans. It’s likely the upper house will confirm either Mr. Zinke as Secretary of the Interior or Mr. Pruitt as the new EPA administrator before adjourning for President’s Day. Both men will be greeted warmly by the many whose jobs are […]

Trump Should End Obama Coal Lease Moratorium

Via LifeZette: President Donald Trump has certainly jumped out of the starting gate by issuing a flurry of executive orders taking aim at onerous regulations held over from the Obama administration. It’s a mixed bag, however, given the variety of issues confronting the economy. There is one step that the new administration could take immediately to ensure […]