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Killing Obama’s Last-Minute Coal Regulation

Via LifeZette: As congressional Republicans headed to Philadelphia earlier this week to set goals for the new year, President Trump announced one of his own: erasing 75 percent of government regulations affecting businesses. This is either hyperbole, intended to grab attention, or it’s aspirational — anticipation that the new administration can achieve a lot in four […]

A GOP Regulatory Game Changer

Via The Wall Street Journal:  Todd Gaziano on Wednesday stepped into a meeting of free-market attorneys, think tankers and Republican congressional staff to unveil a big idea. By the time he stepped out, he had reset Washington’s regulatory battle lines. These days Mr. Gaziano is a senior fellow in constitutional law at the Pacific Legal […]


A swift and decisive response from Congress to the Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation Enforcement’s final Stream Protection Rule (SPR) is required and well-deserved: passing a joint disapproval resolution under the Congressional Review Act.Fact Sheet. Read the Fact Sheet (PDF)

A Masterpiece of Bad Regulation

January 25, 2017 As congressional Republicans head for Philadelphia today to set goals for the new year, the president announced one of his own: erase 75 percent of government regulations affecting business. This is either hyperbole, intended to grab attention. Or its aspirational, less an expectation than a stretch that will still achieve a lot. […]

Healy: Coal Should Be Part of our Energy Future

Via The Journal Sentinel: The United States has been a global economic leader since the end of World War II. Our skills, innovation and research and development capabilities have kept America at the forefront of new technologies for decades. This has allowed us to outpace our economic rivals and dominate valuable markets. The renewable energy sector […]

How the House Will Roll Back Washington’s Rule by Bureaucrat

Via The Wall Street Journal: When President Trump delivered his inaugural address last week, he declared that “we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.” Note that he said we are transferring power, in the present tense. The House has already begun turning the president’s words into reality […]

North Dakota Does Not Need the Stream Rule, Nor Does the Nation

Via RealClearEnergy: As I joined my congressional colleagues for the opening session of the new 115th Congress, one frequent topic was how we could quickly restore good jobs and stronger economic growth. A great start would be to lift the regulatory burden off American industries. If President Obama succeeded at little else, he was the undisputed […]

Clock Ticking on Trump’s Promise to Kill Environmental Regs

Via The Washington Examiner: The countdown has begun on Capitol Hill to dig out from under the Obama administration’s environmental regulations, now that President Trump, who has vowed to repeal a number of regulations in his first 100 days, has moved into the Oval Office. The Republican-controlled Congress needs to move quickly to head off […]

Attorneys General Work To Reverse Stream Protection Act

Via The Wheeling Intelligencer: WHEELING — As a new administration takes office, several state attorneys general say they’re trying to save the coal mining industry by filing a lawsuit they hope will revoke the outgoing Obama Administration’s Stream Protection Rule. West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine were among the […]

Kentucky, 12 Other States Sue to Block Obama Coal Mining Rule

Via The Lexington Herald-Leader: Kentucky and 12 other states have sued in an effort to block a federal rule aimed at reducing the impact of coal mining on streams. The states filed the challenge Tuesday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Kentucky and the other states argue the rule, known as […]