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Morrisey Puts Stream Protection Rule in Crosshairs

Via The Bluefield Daily Telegraph: West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is wasting no time attacking a last-minute environmental regulation pushed by the Obama Administration. It’s called the Stream Protection Rule, and Morrisey says it can hurt coal mining jobs around the state.  “We, Ohio and West Virginia, just filed a lawsuit against the illegal […]

US Mining and Voters in Sync Regarding Job Creation, Economy

Via Mining.com: The National Mining Association asserted Wednesday that a Morning Consult national poll commissioned by the National Mining Association shows voters and the US mining industry share the same top priority — job creation and a strong economy. “Fortunately, there are actions the Trump Administration and the New Congress can take on day one to […]

West Virginia Needs Coal Jobs and a Better EPA Under Pruitt

Via The West Virginia Record: Dear Editor:  Retaining a coal job over the past few years has not been easy, but I’ve been blessed to keep my job at Mepco. Still, like so many others in my community, I’ve been worried about the of future of my career over the past eight years as the […]

Kentucky Joins Fight Against Stream Protection

Via The Courier-Journal: The rule requires companies to restore streams and return mined areas to the uses they were capable of supporting prior to mining activities and to plant trees or other vegetation. Kentucky’s environmental protection cabinet on Wednesday announced that it had joined other states in suing to overturn an Obama administration rule aimed […]

Don’t Overlook the Biggest Protest

January 18, 2017 As the Capital girds for Friday’s Inauguration, the media is focusing heavy attention on the myriad protests that eagerly vie for its fleeting attention. This is understandable; dissident voices should be heard. But while the protesters parade by, let’s not overlook the biggest protest event – the November election. That was a […]

Excessive EPA Regulations Harming Coal Industry

Via The Parkersburg News and Sentinel: Speaking as a CEO of a major coal-fired power plant and a coal mining company, I am compelled to start with the devastation of the coal industry, particularly in West Virginia but throughout all coal country. This devastation has been caused by excessive and politicized Environmental Protection Agency regulations. […]

Judge Thwarts Obama EPA’s Lawless War on Coal

Via PJ Media: Here’s a radical concept: federal agencies created and empowered by congressional statutes have to comply with those statutes — i.e., they have to obey federal law — in exercising their power. It is a rudimentary concept, of course, but one with which the Obama administration has appeared only vaguely acquainted throughout its eight […]

Reminding EPA Of Limits to Power

Via The Wheeling News-Register: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials enjoy enormous power, granted by Congress. They can decide unilaterally that individuals, families and businesses must do certain things to comply with the EPA’s definitions of clean air, water and soil. But there are some limits. The agency does have to explain the justification for its […]

Dominion: Lack of Transmission, Coal Shutdowns Bring Blackouts to Virginia Peninsula

Via UtilityDIVE: Dominion Resources will shutter its Yorktown coal plant in April, and afterwards may need to use rotating blackouts on the Virginia Peninsula in order to maintain grid reliability and avoid voltage collapse. The Yorktown’s two units do not run often, and violate environmental emissions standards. They are required to close by law, RTO […]

Donald Trump’s Administration Must Keep the Promises Made on Clean Coal

Via The Hill:  A number of new coal-powered energy plants equipped with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology are due to come online across the U.S. over the coming weeks, much to the ire of green activists. CCS technology captures up to 90% of carbon dioxide emissions created when fossil fuels are burned to generate […]