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Trump EPA Pick Puts Target on Job-Killing Regulations

Via PoliZette: President-Elect Donald Trump has tapped Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to serve as director of the Environmental Protection Agency. Pruitt’s nomination is certain to worry environmental activists focused on global warming issues. But Pruitt, who has led Oklahoma’s challenge against President Obama’s “Clean Power Plan” (CPP), could guide the EPA back to its […]

Editorial: Spread the Word, Mines Make Everyday Life Possible

Via The Elko Daily Free Press: Whether people realize it or not, every day they come in contact with something that was produced because of a mine. According to the National Mining Association, “every American uses an average of 40,000 pounds of newly mined materials every year, including three tons of coal.” I write about […]

Today We Salute America’s Miners

December 6, 2016 Every December 6, we celebrate National Miners Day, a day to appreciate, honor and remember miners of past, present and future. Despite the key role mining plays in virtually every aspect of our daily lives, it is likely the most important profession most Americans don’t spend a great deal of time thinking […]

NMA Recognizes National Miners Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Mining Association (NMA) today recognized National Miners Day, a day established to acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices of our nation’s miners. “What many Americans don’t realize is that the mining industry drives our supply chain, bringing affordable energy and essential materials to virtually every home and industry in the U.S.,” […]

These 5 EPA Regs Could Be The First In Trump’s Crosshairs

Via The Daily Caller: President-elect Donald Trump could eliminate these five Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations some studies have labeled as “job-killers” that do little for the environment. Under President Barack Obama, the EPA made individual rules and regulations that cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. Given the high costs, Republican lawmakers encouraged states not to implement […]

Bill Keeps Coal in the Energy Mix

Via The Bismark Tribune: Destructive gridlock too often cripples Congress, and it frustrates me as much as anyone. Congress shouldn’t be a place where good ideas with bipartisan support fail to move forward. If this election has taught us anything, it’s that Congress needs to get to work finding the kind of practical, bipartisan solutions […]

Another View: Time for Reasonable Policy, Plans for Coal Energy

Via The Daily Times: As the recent election cycle demonstrated, American politics is beset with a number of polarizing issues. Among the most obvious has been the debate over coal. Where Hillary Clinton favored renewable energy at the expense of the coal industry, Donald Trump has promised to launch a coal renaissance. This “either/or” schism […]

Let the Coal Industry Compete

Via The New York Times: NOV. 29, 2016 To the Editor: “The Coal Industry Isn’t Coming Back,” by Michael E. Webber (Op-Ed, Nov. 16), suggests that the decline in coal has been due to “cheap natural gas, cheap renewables” and “regulations that got their start in the George W. Bush administration,” and that the coal […]

A Fair Chance to Make Coal Cleaner

Via Kokomo Tribune: As the recent election cycle demonstrated, American politics is beset with a number of polarizing issues. Among the most obvious has been the debate over coal. Where Hillary Clinton favored renewable energy at the expense of the coal industry, Donald Trump has promised to launch a coal renaissance. This “either/or” schism overlooks […]