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WV Congressional Delegation to Seek Repeal of EPA Regs

Via The Charleston Gazette: With Republican Donald Trump set to take over the White House in January, West Virginia’s congressional members are calling for a rollback of federal air-pollution regulations, a repeal of the President Barack Obama’s signature health care law and for the new president to support spending on infrastructure and miners’ pensions. After […]

A New Administration and a New Congress Means a New Beginning

November 11, 2016 The U.S. mining industry looks forward to working with the Trump administration and the 115th Congress on a wide range of issues of mutual interest. Meeting the needs of the American people cannot be accomplished without a robust mining industry. And a robust mining industry is only possible with reasonable laws and […]

For NMA, a New Administration and a New Congress Means a New Beginning

The U.S. mining industry looks forward to working with the Trump administration and the 115th Congress on a wide range of issues of mutual interest. Meeting the needs of the American people cannot be accomplished without a robust mining industry. And a robust mining industry is only possible with reasonable laws and regulations that balance […]

Guest Column: Coal Should Remain Part of Our Power Plan

Via The Tyler Morning Telegraph: Recently here in the Tyler Paper, a guest columnist argued the country must leave coal behind as an energy source, citing a one-sided report paid for by the left-wing nonprofit Public Citizen. This report alleges Texas’ coal-fired electricity industry is in decline and unlikely to recover due to rising competition […]

Look to Appalachia for Solutions to Climate Change

Via The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:  To hear environmentalists and the politicians who cater to them tell it, the United States can win the climate battle by phasing out our nation’s coal industry. This thinking is not only fundamentally flawed, but it’s also keeping America from investing in the energy technology that will be needed to make […]

Holding the EPA to Account

Via The Washington Examiner: For 45 years, federal law has made protecting the environment a priority under the National Environmental Policy Act by mandating that the consideration of environmental impacts be considered as part of every federal action. During much of the same time period, Congress directed the Environmental Protection Agency to evaluate the potential […]

EPA Responds to Mandate on Jobs Impact

Via The Weirton Daily Times: WHEELING — The Environmental Protection Agency plans to rely on its Science Advisory Board to satisfy U.S. District Judge John Preston Bailey’s mandate that it evaluate job losses as part of implementing new regulations, but Murray Energy Corp. officials called the compliance plan “deeply offensive.” This week, EPA attorneys filed […]

Regulatory Overreach, Not Just Cheap Natural Gas, is Killing Coal

Via The Star-Telegram: A decade ago, America’s coal industry was prospering, providing about 60 percent of America’s electric power generation and exporting growing volumes of both steam and metallurgical coal to Asia and Europe. By contrast, coal-fired generation today accounts for less than one-third of the electrons on the power grid, while dozens of companies […]

Rep. Jenkins Asks White House to Stop Stream Buffer Zone Rule

Via HuntingtonNews.Net: WASHINGTON – During a call with the White House, U.S. Representative Evan Jenkins (R-W.Va.) urged the administration to reconsider a new regulation that would cost West Virginia even more coal jobs.  Rep. Jenkins spoke with the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Administrator Howard Shelanski about the harm the proposed stream […]

Making The Rogue EPA Obey The Law, One Case At A Time

Via Investor’s Business Daily: The Obama administration’s war on coal was dealt a setback by a recent decision from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia. The court held that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency failed to follow the law and did not properly evaluate the job losses caused by its […]