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Mooney Calls for Closer Look at Stream Protection Rule

Via West Virginia MetroNews: WASHINGTON, D.C. — West Virginia Second District Congressman Alex Mooney urged an Obama administration official to take a close look at the economic impact the federal Stream Protection Rule would have on the Mountain State in a meeting that took place in Washington, D.C. earlier this week. Mooney met with Office of Management […]

EPA Undeterred by Court Rulings

Via The Salem News: Let us hope there remains enough fidelity to the Constitution among U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials that a federal judge’s order on Monday means something to them. Unfortunately, recent history suggests that may be an unrealistic thought. Ohioans and millions of other Americans who may not even understand the stakes won […]

EPA Required to Follow Law: Imagine That!

Via The Charleston Gazette-Mail: Perhaps the Obama appointees at the burgeoning U.S. Environmental Protection Agency didn’t believe they’d ever hear such a statement. But U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia Judge John Preston Bailey said in a ruling earlier this week the EPA must follow the law. It’s a shocker, we […]

Morrisey Praised for Defending W.Va. Coal Miners

Via The Wheeling News-Register: For the last four years, no one has done more to defend our jobs, our industry and our West Virginia way of life than Patrick Morrisey, as our Attorney General. On behalf of our coal industry, our managers and the best coal miners in the world, we have to do everything […]

Judge Tells EPA to Calculate Job Losses From its Rules

Via West Virginia MetroNews: One of the recurring debates over climate change policy is whether the EPA’s regulatory actions to control carbon emissions have caused the decline in the coal industry. Coal critics typically attribute the industry’s collapse  to natural gas becoming more plentiful and cheap and, in West Virginia’s case, the increased cost of […]

Time for Court to Limit EPA’s power Over Electricity

Via The Great Falls Tribune: Late last month, an appeals court in Washington, D.C., heard a case that will determine whether the Environmental Protection Agency has the power to require states to restructure the electric grid. At issue is the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, which would expand the power of the federal government immensely, cost […]

STEYER V PODESTA on Renewables

October 19, 2016 In the latest round of personal email leaks, energy policy jumped into the headlines with an interesting exchange between renewable energy bankroller Tom Steyer and renewable energy advocate and current Clinton campaign manager John Podesta. Last summer Steyer told The New York Times he couldn’t support any presidential candidate who refused to […]

Judge Forces EPA To Count How Many Coal Miners It Forced Out Of Work

Via The Daily Caller: A federal judge ruled the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must study how many coal industry workers have been laid off due to federal environmental regulations. U.S. District Judge John Preston Bailey gave EPA two weeks to come up with a way to measure job losses from air pollution regulations, including a […]

Clean Coal is Part of our Energy Future

Via The Baltimore Sun: A recent Sun editorial objected to the use of the term “clean coal” and argues for a future without coal (“About that clean coal business,” Oct. 11). This argument makes a small point to ignore the larger truth that coal presently plays — and will continue to play — a dominant […]

Court Rules Against EPA in Case Over Coal Job Losses

Via The Hill: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not properly estimated the potential job losses in the coal and other industries affected by its regulations, a federal judge ruled Monday. Judge John Preston Bailey of the District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia ruled in favor of coal mining company Murray Energy […]