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Climate Goals are Global – So Is Energy Demand

November 2, 2016 Next week finally marks the long-awaited event. No, not that one.  We’re referring to the UN climate conference in Morocco Nov. 7, the day before the other event. For energy and climate policy watchers, the frequent gathering of the global green swarm – NGOs, industry reps, government officials – will hopefully shine […]

NMA Shows D.C. Circuit New Evidence of the Clean Power Plan’s Costs to the Country

National Mining Association (NMA) president and CEO Hal Quinn issued the following statement today after new information from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Oct. 26 Cross State Air Pollution Rule Update confirmed the significant impact that the Clean Power Plan will have on coal-based generation: “NMA informed the D.C. Circuit yesterday that data from EPA’s […]

Denying the Costs of Coal Regulations

Via The Middlesboro Daily News: In a recent Facebook interview, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy acknowledged the obvious — that she supports the Environmental Left’s “Keep it in the Ground” policy. In an online “Mashable” discussion with science editor Andrew Freedman, McCarthy said of anti-coal activists, “I think we share the same goal.” She also admitted […]

Support Investments in Clean Coal

Via The Journal: In a recent Facebook interview, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy acknowledged the obvious — that she supports the Environmental Left’s “Keep it in the Ground” policy. In an online Mashable discussion with science editor Andrew Freedman, McCarthy said of anti-coal activists, “I think we share the same goal.” She also admitted that the […]

Rob Portman Touts Importance of Coal in Visit to Tuscarawas County Mine

Via The Times Reporter: DENNISON U.S. Sen. Rob Portman stopped at the Tusky Mine on Wednesday to meet with coal miners as part of his 35-county “Countdown to Victory” RV Tour. “I love doing these tours,” said Portman, who is running for reelection this year. “It gives us a chance to see what’s actually happening […]

Clean Coal: A Light In The Coming Energy Void

Via The Daily Caller: There have been few heroes in this utterly tiresome political silly season. We’re all sick of what Donald Trump is grabbing and what Hillary Clinton is deleting, where Gary Johnson is Aleppo-ing and that Jill Stein even exists. For a few briefs moments at the end of second debate, though, it […]

The Reality of Regulatory Costs

October 26, 2016 In a Facebook interview last week, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy acknowledged the obvious: her support for the environmental left’s “keep it in the ground” policy (“I think we share the same goal”), that coal state economies are suffering (they’re “in trouble” she allowed) and EPA’s regulations likely contributed (they may “steepen the […]

Mooney Calls for Closer Look at Stream Protection Rule

Via West Virginia MetroNews: WASHINGTON, D.C. — West Virginia Second District Congressman Alex Mooney urged an Obama administration official to take a close look at the economic impact the federal Stream Protection Rule would have on the Mountain State in a meeting that took place in Washington, D.C. earlier this week. Mooney met with Office of Management […]

EPA Undeterred by Court Rulings

Via The Salem News: Let us hope there remains enough fidelity to the Constitution among U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials that a federal judge’s order on Monday means something to them. Unfortunately, recent history suggests that may be an unrealistic thought. Ohioans and millions of other Americans who may not even understand the stakes won […]

EPA Required to Follow Law: Imagine That!

Via The Charleston Gazette-Mail: Perhaps the Obama appointees at the burgeoning U.S. Environmental Protection Agency didn’t believe they’d ever hear such a statement. But U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia Judge John Preston Bailey said in a ruling earlier this week the EPA must follow the law. It’s a shocker, we […]