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‘Clean Power’ Plays and the Last Stand for Federalism

Via The Wall Street Journal: After Congress turned down President Obama’s request to enact a law regulating power plants’ greenhouse-gas emissions, the Environmental Protection Agency turned to the states—not with a request, but with instructions to carry out the president’s energy policy. The EPA’s “Clean Power Plan” now faces the scrutiny of the nation’s chief […]

Obama Climate Plan, Now in Court, May Hinge on Error in 1990 Law

Via The New York Times: WASHINGTON — The pitched battle over President Obama’s signatureclimate change policy, which is moving to the courts this week, carries considerable political, economic and historical stakes. Yet its legal fate, widely expected to be ultimately decided by the Supreme Court, could rest on a clerical error in an obscure provision […]

Green Energy Dreams Will Hurt the Poor

Via Inside Sources: Like any good illusionist or pick-pocket, successful politicians and bureaucrats must be adept at the art of misdirection. Commonly used political magic tricks are phrases like “protect the planet” or “fight climate change,” and they are meant to distract people from wondering who will bear the cost of more expansive environmental regulation. […]

The EPA’s “Power Plan” Is An Unlawful Power Grab

Via The Daily Caller: The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral argument next Tuesday, September 27 on the Environmental Protection Agency’s so-called Clean Power Plan. The centerpiece of President Obama’s climate policy agenda, the Plan establishes first-ever carbon dioxide (CO2) emission standards for “existing” (already built) coal and natural gas power plants. The […]

10 Things EPA Doesn’t Want You to Know About The CPP

September 21, 2016: EPA’s website offers “Ten Things to Know About EPA’s Clean Power Plan.” In advance of the Sept. 27 oral arguments, NMA offers “Ten Things EPA Doesn’t Want You to Know” about it: 1. It’s unlawful – Sec. 111 (d) of the Clean Air Act doesn’t give EPA the authority to transform a […]

Feds Winning Their War on Coal, at a Cost

Via The Wall Street Journal: In his explanation for the sharp drop in coal industry jobs (“Hard Truths for Trump’s America,” Politics & Ideas, Sept. 14), William Galston dwells on the history of coal mining in the 1900s but ignores the job impact from policies today. Of course, like other industries, labor-saving technologies have cost […]

Quinn: Coal Column is Insightful

Via The Craig Daily Press: To the editor Danielle Elkins’ recent opinion column provided a thoughtful perspective on the stress and anxiety in coal communities across the nation due to the sharp loss of coal jobs recently. It is true that the industry has faced drops in the number of mines and miners in the […]

NMA Highlights 10 Things to Know about the Clean Power Plan

WASHINGTON, D.C.– On Sept. 27, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments on the administration’s so-called Clean Power Plan (CPP). The proceedings will be followed closely by stakeholders across the country. The National Mining Association (NMA) challenged the rule and has summarized ten things to know in advance of the arguments. What is […]

Why Coal Will Matter in the Fall Election

Via Breitbart.com: Just when Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” comment set a new low for insensitivity, we saw another real zinger this week from former Clinton White House staffer William Galston. In a smug Wall Street Journal op-ed, Galston deemed the “war on coal” a claim perpetuated by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to reinforce the coal community’s […]

Coal Miners – From Bill’s Day to Hillary’s

September 14, 2016 Say what you will about Bill Clinton, but the former president is without question an inveterate newsmaker. The news he makes is not always welcome, of course, and there’s the rub. On Friday, just as Hillary Clinton made halting attempts to bond with coal country, her husband blamed coal miners for deserting […]