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Administration Wins Gold

Washington, D.C. – The games got underway this weekend and already Team USA has claimed a coveted gold medal. But not in Rio. Actually America won the prize here in Washington, for most regulations exceeding $100 million for a two-term president. With an estimated cost of $743 billion for it regulatory marathon – larger than […]

How Green Energy Hurts the Poor

Via The Detroit News: The clean energy mantra is so loud that it often drowns out the feeble cry of energy poverty. Many Americans are finding it more and more difficult to pay their utility bills, yet this important issue is nearly absent from the debate about America’s energy future. Modern progressives, who have long […]

The ‘War On Coal’ Threatens A Sleepy Colorado Mining Town

Via The Daily Caller: CRAIG, Colo. — Coal, from extraction to use as a generation source, forms the literal bedrock of Craig. The past few years have shaken the once quiet town, as an onslaught of federal government regulations and actions by environmental activists bent on keeping Moffat County’s key natural resource in the ground have sparked concerns […]

Via The Washington Examiner: 7. Clean Power Plan, $11.9 billion Instead of relying on Congress, with its increased Republican opposition, Obama decided to enact regulations using his executive authority to meet his climate goals. (AP Photo) The Clean Power Plan is considered the centerpiece of President Obama’s effort to battle climate change. And while it […]

The Burden of Today’s Energy Policies Fall Heaviest on Low-Income Americans

Via Inside Sources: The clean energy mantra is so loud that it often drowns out the feeble cry of energy poverty. Many Americans are finding it more and more difficult to paytheir utility bills, yet this important issue is nearly absent from the debate about America’s energy future. Modern progressives, who have long fancied themselves […]

Happy Bday Clean Power Plan, Thanks for the Job Losses and Billions in Costs!

Via Americans for Tax Reform: Today marks exactly one year since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Obama Administration formally unveiled their coveted Clean Power Plan (CPP). While EPA bureaucrats and the Obama Administration tout the so-called “benefits” of the CPP, the truth is the rule has already begun destroying the livelihoods of thousands of […]

NMA Observes CPP’s First Anniversary

National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn today remarked on the first anniversary of the administration’s Clean Power Plan unveiled by the president Aug. 3, 2015: “The first year of this reckless rule shows why the Clean Power Plan (CPP) should not have a second. “The CPP is an ill-conceived attempt to transform […]

Clean Power Plan: All Pain, No Gain for West Virginia

Via The Hill:  August 3 will mark one year since President Obama announced the Clean Power Plan (CPP), the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) strategy to decrease carbon emissions from power plants in order to combat the consequences of climate change. While anniversaries are normally cause for celebration, the echoes of joyous celebration will not be […]

Off to the Coal (aka “Swing”) States

August 3, 2016 This week finds the candidates embarking on campaign swings through battleground states – Colorado with nine electoral votes, Virginia with 13, Pennsylvania with 20 and Ohio with 18. Another description for battleground states is “coal states.” Like most toss-up states this year, they either produce or use lots of coal, and sometimes […]

Examining the Impact of the EPA’s Recent Regulatory Activities

Via The Springfield News-Leader: Since 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published nearly 4,000 rules — totaling over 33,000 pages — that threaten affordable energy and jobs in the coal, natural gas and many other sectors of our economy. Many of these have been vast oversteps of federal authority like in the agency’s “Clean […]