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The Platform Is Right: Coal Is Clean

Via National Review:  Some in the media are alarmed that the just-approved Republican-party platform takes a positive view of fossil fuels. “The platform tosses aside an environmental regulatory structure built on congressional legislation and judicial rulings over more than four decades,” wrote Steven Mufson of the Washington Post. It’s no surprise that mainstream media and […]

Foolishness Over Fossil Fuels

Via The Washington Times: The masterminds who put their heads together to “improve” the planet sometimes only bump those heads together. Environmentalists have confidently — and arrogantly — declared that their “green” policies are based on “settled science,” but evidence continues to trickle in to dispute that. On paper, saving the world is as elementary […]

Keep Americans Employed and Safe with Abundant Coal

July 21, 2016 Recent headlines remind us that we no longer live in a secure world, if we ever did. Whether it is economic security or national security, the mood of the country suggests Americans today have less of both. So it’s understandable that GOP conventioneers would seize on jobs and safety as twin themes […]

Ohio Coal Industry Crushed

Via the Mansfield News Journal: For decades, Ohio has proudly mined the coal that fuels America. Coal still generates more than a third of U.S. electricity — more than any other single power source last year — and provides thousands of good jobs for states like Ohio. Unfortunately, Ohio’s coal industry is now facing an […]

Aimless Agency Crushes Wyoming’s Coal Industry

Via the Casper Star-Tribune: For decades, Wyoming has proudly mined the coal that fuels America. Coal still generates more than a third of U.S. electricity – more than any other single power source last year – and provides thousands of good jobs for states like Wyoming. Unfortunately, Wyoming’s coal industry is now facing an all-out […]

Emerging Technology-based Consensus May Help Clear the Air

Via The Hill: Is it possible in this contentious political year that there may be some energy and environment policies on which Republicans, Democrats, environmental groups and a major coal producer like Cloud Peak Energy can agree? Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have acknowledged that affordable fossil energy will be part of our energy […]

OP-ED: Wyoming Coal Industry Crushed by SPR Rule

Via The Cody Enterprise: For decades, Wyoming has proudly mined the coal that fuels America. Coal still generates more than a third of U.S. electricity – more than any other single power source last year – and provides thousands of good jobs for states like Wyoming. Unfortunately, Wyoming’s coal industry is now facing an all-out […]

Clean Power Plan Would Devastate the Trades

Via The Mesabi Daily News: Over the course of the past many months, we have watched the developments of the MPCA regarding the clean power plan. Our organization has evolved into a highly specialized trade craft that mainly works in the fossil fuel industry. The Clean Power Plan, as written, will decimate our industry, period. […]

Lost Production Equals Lost Employment from the Clean Power Plan

July 13, 2016 The administration has long blamed coal’s troubles on the marketplace, not on its regulations. In congressional hearings, all the president’s men and women discount the impact of the Clean Power Plan on jobs, coal communities and the grid – even as they claim credit for regulating coal out of the grid when […]

SPR is Bad News for Kentucky Coal Miners

Via the Louisville Courier-Journal: As most of us understand, Kentucky’s economy is powered by coal. The low-cost, reliable electricity that coal provides our commonwealth benefits every Kentuckian. Coal gives us a huge competitive advantage over other states that pay more for electricity and allows us to keep and attract good jobs. As it interconnects with […]