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Wyo.’s Gov. Mead Blasts Federal Coal Leasing Review

Via E&E Publishing: Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead (R) contends his state was “caught by surprise” by the Obama administration’s decision to halt federal coal leases and review the program, declaring that “coal miners and their families are at risk.” In a 75-page letter last week to the Bureau of Land Management, as well as 4,179 […]

Missouri Faces a Troubling Uptick in Energy Prices

Via The Southeast Missourian: We sometimes forget Missouri has been a coal-producing state for decades. Although not a major producer like Wyoming or West Virginia, our state has mined coal, along with lead, zinc, copper and silver for more than a century. And all of this mining has not only employed thousands in family-supporting, middle-class […]

These Climate Change Regulations Will Increase Your Electric Bill

Via The Daily Signal: Amid the summer heat, American households are thankful foraffordable, reliable air conditioning. But the Obama administration’s war on coal is going to drive up energy prices for families who want to keep cool in the summer and stay warm in the winter. A recent study by Heritage Foundation economists estimates that […]

Via The Morning Consult: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are miles apart on the greenhouse gas-cutting Clean Power Plan. She’s for it. He’s against it. No matter the polarized rhetoric, the plan’s future is much more convoluted than “live or die,” in part because its fate lies in the hands of the courts. Outside observers […]

Holdren the Heretic

July 27, 2016 It’s hardly newsworthy when energy experts question the “keep it in the ground” doctrine, the new battle cry of fossil fuel critics. This doctrine has now become the litmus test for the party faithful gathering in Philadelphia this week. In fact, a specific commitment to keep fossils in the ground was even […]

Raising Coal Leases Would Cost, County Says

Via The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel:  Boosting the price of coal mined from beneath public lands will result in mine closures and worsening damage to rural economies, Mesa County officials told a federal agency. The federal coal leasing program provides an “adequate return to the public,” the county said in a letter to the Bureau […]

Study: Wind & Solar up to 5X More Costly than Existing Coal and Nuclear

Via The Institute for Energy Research:  A new study from the Institute for Energy Research finds that electricity from new wind and solar power is 2.5 to 5 times more expensive than electricity from existing coal and nuclear power. This innovative study relies on data from the Energy Information Administration and the Federal Energy Regulatory […]

The Platform Is Right: Coal Is Clean

Via National Review:  Some in the media are alarmed that the just-approved Republican-party platform takes a positive view of fossil fuels. “The platform tosses aside an environmental regulatory structure built on congressional legislation and judicial rulings over more than four decades,” wrote Steven Mufson of the Washington Post. It’s no surprise that mainstream media and […]

Foolishness Over Fossil Fuels

Via The Washington Times: The masterminds who put their heads together to “improve” the planet sometimes only bump those heads together. Environmentalists have confidently — and arrogantly — declared that their “green” policies are based on “settled science,” but evidence continues to trickle in to dispute that. On paper, saving the world is as elementary […]

Keep Americans Employed and Safe with Abundant Coal

July 21, 2016 Recent headlines remind us that we no longer live in a secure world, if we ever did. Whether it is economic security or national security, the mood of the country suggests Americans today have less of both. So it’s understandable that GOP conventioneers would seize on jobs and safety as twin themes […]