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SPR is Bad News for KY Coal Miners

As most of us understand, Kentucky’s economy is powered by coal. The low-cost, reliable electricity that coal provides our commonwealth benefits every Kentuckian. Coal gives us a huge competitive advantage over other states that pay more for electricity and allows us to keep and attract good jobs. As it interconnects with every facet of our […]

EPA Reg Shutters FOUR TIMES More Coal Power Than Agency Initially Predicted

Via The Daily Caller:  The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) initial projections on coal power vastly underestimated how much coal-fired power would be shuttered by its mercury regulation, according to federal data. Actual capacity retirements from coal-fired power plants were more than four times greater than EPA initially projected. Newly-released Energy Department data shows 20 gigawatts […]

States are Right to Worry About Clean Power Plan Costs

Via The Hill: Earlier this year, the Supreme Court issued a stay on President Obama’s “Clean Power Plan” (CPP.) That was good news for the 29 states now on record as formally opposing the president’s plan to vastly transform the nation’s power grid. But those states now appear doubly justified in opposing the effort, thanks […]

Obama’s Climate Policy Is a Hot Mess

Via The Wall Street Journal: When President Obama flew to Ottawa, Canada, on Wednesday to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, promoting their climate-change policies was near the top of the agenda. “The Paris Agreement was a turning point for our planet,” the leaders’ joint statement said, referring […]

Searching for the Power Plan’s Benefits

July 7, 2016 In a House subcommittee hearing this week, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) echoed the doubts of many when he questioned the benefits of this administration’s anti-coal regulations –  leaving aside the legality of them. In a “where’s the beef” remark, Rep. Barton told agency air chief Janet McCabe he was hard pressed to […]

EPA Rule Transforming Job of Regulators — NARUC President

Via E&E Publishing: The leader of the nation’s association for state utility regulators last week said U.S. EPA’s Clean Power Plan could forever alter his job description — and he’s not happy with the idea. “Regardless of what you think about a regulation like that, [the Clean Power Plan] is the premier example of the […]

Why Your Electric Bill Won’t be Going Down Soon

Via The Delco Times: You have to admire the Obama Administration’s optimism. Even though the Supreme Court issued a stay on the president’s “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) earlier this year, the EPA insists that states should keep moving forward with efforts to radically alter their power sector. It’s a bold move, since the High Court […]

Letter: Obamas’s War on the Electric Grid

Via The Sun Journal: In 2008 President Obama stated, “If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them.” And under the increased onerous regulation imposed on them by the EPA, existing coal fired power plants are shutting down. The effect has also rippled through the coal […]

NMA Condemns Administration’s False Assumptions Behind Coal Royalty Change

Washington, D.C. – While claiming action in the name of the American taxpayer, this latest assault on the coal industry is nothing more than another covert operation in the administration’s “keep it in the ground” campaign. The casualties will be an industry that has worked diligently to provide Americans with low cost, reliable energy, and […]

An Energy Plank for Costlier Electricity

June 26, 2016 The initial meeting of the Democratic Platform Committee last week proposed a little noticed shift in the party’s energy policy – one that carries high risks and costs to match for the U.S. economy.  If this proposal stands, it would, for the first time, reject the “all of the above” energy approach […]