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Washington Tells Us Our Electric Bills Will Rise

Via Pagosa Daily Post: You have to admire the Obama Administration’s optimism. Even though the Supreme Court issued a stay on the president’s “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) earlier this year, the EPA insists that states should keep moving forward with efforts to radically alter their power sector. It’s a bold move, since the High Court […]

Lawmakers Clash Ahead of Seattle Listening Session

Via E&E Publishing:  A Seattle listening session today on federal coal policy is setting the stage for a showdown between two senators who have staked out opposing views on the issue. In the midst of the Bureau of Land Management’s planned six-hour listening session to solicit feedback on its leasing moratorium and potential reforms, Montana […]

BLM Keeps Coal in the Ground and Stakeholder Opinion in the Dark

June 21, 2016 Today the Bureau of Land Management will solicit stakeholder comments on the Obama administration’s moratorium on federal coal leases and its keen interest in hiking royalties on coal operators. There’s no legitimate reason for either, other than to “keep coal in the ground.” A moratorium threatens jobs and billions of dollars in coal […]

A Hearing Held in Seattle on our Federal Coal Policy is Absurd

Via The Seattle Times: As Central Washington’s representative in Congress for 20 years, and as the former chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, which has jurisdiction over energy policy on federal lands, I have always believed in and supported an all-of-the-above energy plan for the United States. This includes hydroelectric power — which we […]

Dan Peterson: The Growing Cost of Keeping the Lights On

Via Florida Politics: Much like vacations, road trips, and barbecues, summertime brings with it a seasonal spike in residential energy consumption. The Sunshine State is certainly no exception. We use plenty of power to cool our homes and charge the electronics in the hands of our children. No doubt, this very hot, energy-intensive season is […]

Washington Tells Us Our Electric Bills Will Rise

Via Breitbart: You have to admire the Obama Administration’s optimism. Even though the Supreme Court issued a stay on the president’s “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) earlier this year, the EPA insists that states should keep moving forward with efforts to radically alter their power sector. It’s a bold move, since the High Court has already […]

Quinn: In Defense of the Coal Industry

Via The New York Times: To the Editor: The New York Times published two articles intended to raise alarms and vilify the coal industry (“$1 Billion Coal Cleanup, but Who Gets the Bill?,” front page, June 7; and “Will Big Coal Pay to Clean Up Its Messes?,” editorial, June 10). Both are based on the […]

Lies, Damned Lies, And The EPA’s ‘Clean Power Plan’

Via Investor’s Business Daily: President Obama’s “Clean Power Plan” is on pause, thanks to a Supreme Court ruling in March after more than two dozen states filed suit to stop it. A new report shows why the plan should be scrapped entirely, and the EPA sued for fraud. By its own admission, the EPA says […]

Study: EPA Overstated Benefits And Ignored Costs of Clean Power Plan

Via The Daily Caller: The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan overstates its benefits and underestimates its costs, according to a new study published Thursday by the conservative Manhattan Institute. “My conclusion is that there are few benefits, which have been massively overestimated, and huge costs, which have been massively underestimated,” Dr. Jonathan Lesser, […]