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Guest Opinion: Daines Right to Fight Interior for Montana Coal

Via The Billings Gazette:  The Department of Interior has placed a sweeping moratorium on new federal coal leases in the United States. The stated objective of the moratorium is to pause the leasing in order to conduct a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement of this program. But there are strong suggestions that the true aim of […]

Ending Federal Coal Would Hurt Main Street America

Via The Daily Sentinel: Much has been written of late to bury America’s coal industry. The overriding presumption is that coal is no longer needed, soon to be replaced by breakthroughs in renewable power. And although coal still provides 35 percent of total U.S. power generation, President Obama is now pushing headlong with a fistful […]

The EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Missing Benefits, Hidden Costs

Via The West Virginia MetroNews: The Environmental Protection Agency’s sweeping Clean Power Plan, which is supposed to save the planet by putting the coal industry out of business, is currently on hold.  The U.S. Supreme Court made the unusual move earlier this year of issuing a “stay” on implementation while West Virginia and two dozen […]

Lawmaker Forces EPA Chief To Watch Video Of Unemployed Coal Miners

Via The Daily Caller:  Rep. Gary Palmer took time in a congressional hearing to respond to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy’s claim there is no evidence EPA regulations are killing jobs. The Alabama Republican showed McCarthy, and everyone else at the hearing, a video featuring coal miners who had lost their jobs, as the […]

Montana Residents Address Coal Concerns for National Record

Via KPAX 8: The value of coal to the state of Montana once again front and center Tuesday as residents raise concerns on both sides of the issue. Back in January, the Obama administration ordered a moratorium on new coal leases on federal lands. But when it came to hearing from Montanans on the proposed moratorium, […]

White House Economists Commit Political Malpractice to Keep Coal in Ground

Washington, D.C. ̶ Today’s report from the White House Council of Economic Advisors is the latest assault from the “Keep It in the Ground” movement. This collaboration between the Obama administration and extreme environmental interests again demonstrates the White House working overtime to advance more job crushing and market distorting policies. Coal is the largest […]

Washington Tells Us Our Electric Bills Will Rise

Via Pagosa Daily Post: You have to admire the Obama Administration’s optimism. Even though the Supreme Court issued a stay on the president’s “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) earlier this year, the EPA insists that states should keep moving forward with efforts to radically alter their power sector. It’s a bold move, since the High Court […]

Lawmakers Clash Ahead of Seattle Listening Session

Via E&E Publishing:  A Seattle listening session today on federal coal policy is setting the stage for a showdown between two senators who have staked out opposing views on the issue. In the midst of the Bureau of Land Management’s planned six-hour listening session to solicit feedback on its leasing moratorium and potential reforms, Montana […]

BLM Keeps Coal in the Ground and Stakeholder Opinion in the Dark

June 21, 2016 Today the Bureau of Land Management will solicit stakeholder comments on the Obama administration’s moratorium on federal coal leases and its keen interest in hiking royalties on coal operators. There’s no legitimate reason for either, other than to “keep coal in the ground.” A moratorium threatens jobs and billions of dollars in coal […]