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Oklahoma Attorney General Says Clean Power Plan Violates State Sovereignty

Via The Washington Examiner:  The Clean Power Plan infringes on the sovereignty of the states and stretches the imagination of what Congress intended in the Clean Air Act, Oklahoma’s attorney general told a panel Thursday. Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt told the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology’s Environment Subcommittee that he believed in […]

Republican AGs Slam EPA For Ignoring Supreme Court Ruling

Via The Daily Caller: The Republican attorney generals of Texas and West Virginia are demanding the Obama administration stop working on its signature global warming regulation, which they argue violates a Supreme Court order. “Their efforts and those of your agency to try to make the Power Plan a fait accompli fail to accord proper […]

Attorney General Morrisey to EPA: Halt Federal Spending on Clean Power Plan

Via HuntingtonNews.Net: CHARLESTON — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey  announced he and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton recently sent a letter urging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to stop spending federal tax dollars to comply with the halted Power Plan. “The entire point of the Supreme Court’s extraordinary action in putting a stop to […]

“War on Coal” Seen Behind Federal Mining Rules that Maryland is Opposing

Via The Baltimore Sun: Just a few years ago, Jack Ternent was selling chain, rope and cement to the coal mines in the mountains around his store — the kind of trade that propped up Western Maryland’s economy for more than a century. But as the coal industry has withered nationally, and in Maryland especially, […]

With EPA Regulations, Coal Plants Turn Off The Lights

Via The Wheeling News-Register: WHEELING -This year, utility providers are expected to extinguish as much as 45 gigawatts of coal-fired electricity – enough to power as many as 45 million homes. Furthermore, U.S. electricity generators consumed 29 percent less coal in 2015 than in 2007. If the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan goes […]

Administration Experts: CPP Is Costly, “Stupid”

May 25, 2016 Why are a growing number of states – 29 at last count – challenging EPA’s costly power plan? Because they’re persuaded by a growing number of authorities, some from the Obama administration, of just how costly it will be. The latest to forecast the pain from EPA’s rule is none other than […]

Former Obama DOE Official Set to Critique ‘Stupid Regulations’

Via E&E Publishing:  A former Obama administration official plans this week to tell lawmakers that the Clean Power Plan is “ideological mumbo jumbo” and that the government would be better off investing more money into clean energy and fossil fuel technologies. Charles McConnell, who was responsible for the Department of Energy’s fossil fuels program, will […]

Program That Leases Coal Should Continue

Via The Knoxville News-Sentinel: Some Americans may not realize it, but coal still provides roughly 35 percent of all the electricity generated in the United States — the largest share of electricity from any one energy source. States that rely on coal as their primary source of power enjoy the lowest electricity costs nationwide. Partly […]

The Climate-Change Gang

Via The National Review:  The United States was born out of a revolution against, in the words of the Declaration of Independence, an “arbitrary government” that put men on trial “for pretended offences” and “abolish[ed] the Free System of English laws.” Brave men and women stood up to that oppressive government, and this, the greatest […]

Miners Fear Federal Coal Reforms Jeopardize Rural Utah

Via The Salt Lake Tribune: But coal’s critics say you don’t have to look far to detect problems. Audits have discovered coal companies pay below-market rates to lease coal reserves, underpay royalties and are not always adequately bonded. And now companies are falling into bankruptcy in the face of a collapsing coal demand, raising the […]