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Coal Takes Center Stage Off Broadway

May 4, 2016 The value of coal to the economy and to presidential aspirations won powerful endorsements on the campaign trail this week.  Both presumptive candidates for the White House gave coal and coal jobs top billing, albeit in very different ways.  What they left unmistakably clear, however, was that coal and the communities it […]

Alabama’s Coal Industry Crushed by Needless Regulation

Via AL.com:  For decades, Alabama has proudly mined the coal that fuels American industry.  During World War II, coal helped fire the steel foundries and factories that built America into the “Arsenal of Democracy.”  And today, with coal still supplying roughly 37% of U.S. power generation – more than any other single power source last […]

Hillary Clinton Hears Wrath of Coal Supporters in West Virginia

Via The New York Times: WILLIAMSON, W.Va. — Hillary Clinton came to campaign in coal country — and she had her feet held to the fire. As Mrs. Clinton stepped onto the sidewalk on Monday to tour a health and wellness center here, a crowd of protesters stood in the rain, many of them holding […]

New Jersey: No Plan To Comply With Federal Clean Power Plan

Via NJSpotlight: Proponents of EPA policy say state is risking chance that feds will step in and draft regulations to ensure compliance with law. There is no chance the Christie administration will draft a proposal to comply with the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan to sharply curb global-warming emissions from power plants, officials […]

Leading the Charge Against the War on Coal

Via The Lexington Herald-Leader: Since the Herald-Leader decided to question my perception of “reality,” when it comes to Kentucky’s coal industry, I’d like to take a moment to remind them of the true, hard facts that shape that reality — a reality for the thousands of Kentuckians who have been hit by the war on […]

Minority Families Would Bear Brunt of Clean Power Plan

Via The Duluth News-Tribune: Higher energy bills, fewer jobs, lower incomes and more poverty: That’s what lies in store for already struggling black, Hispanic and other minority families if the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan is allowed to go into effect. Enforced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and unveiled last year, the plan seeks […]

Pennsylvania Coal Industry Crushed by Needless Regulation

Via The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: For decades, Pennsylvania has proudly mined the coal that fuels American industry. During World War II, coal helped fire the steel foundries and factories that built America into the “Arsenal of Democracy.” Today, coal still supplies roughly 35 percent of U.S. power generation — more than any other single power source. […]

The Federal Coal Moratorium – Politics Masquerading As Policy

Via Real Clear Politics: Some Americans may not realize it, but coal still provides roughly 35% of all the electricity generated in the United States. That’s the largest share of affordable electricity from any one energy source. States that rely on coal as their primary source of power enjoy the lowest electricity costs nationwide. Partly […]

The Green Unreality Show

Via The Wall Street Journal: The climate deal negotiated in Paris and signed in New York Friday is not a treaty. It is not enforceable against the U.S. or anybody else. It waves vaguely at the idea of a $100 billion adjustment fund for poorer countries, to be filled in later by somebody else, maybe. […]

Blue States See Red Over EPA’s Costly Power Plan

April 27, 2016 Virginia and Minnesota, two states run by Democratic administrations, are seeing red over Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan (CPP). In Virginia, the House of Delegates voted to forbid the Department of Environmental Quality from spending state money to implement the CPP. In defiance of its governor and the president, Virginia’s legislators refused […]