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Coal Company Sues EPA To Stop A Regulation That Will Close More Coal Plants

Via The Daily Caller:  The Environmental Protection agency may be headed into federal court to once again defend its controversial mercury rule from a legal challenge — being brought, this time, by the coal company Murray Energy. Murray Energy sued EPA over its mercury rule for power plants the day it was published in the […]

Obama Targets Electric Grid for Power Grab

Via Newsmax:  The carbon-caused climate crisis cabal must be absolutely giddy that President Obama has made good on his pledge that “if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant,” policies of his regime “will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.” He fulfilled […]

Paris Agreement Ignores Role of Clean Coal Technology in Addressing Global Warming, Energy Poverty

National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn commented on today’s climate change agreement signing ceremony in New York City: “What is missing from the administration’s celebratory rhetoric surrounding the Paris agreement is that its own plan for addressing global warming – aside from being stopped by the Supreme Court for its questionable legality […]

Daines to EPA: Your Regulations are Killing Montana Jobs

Senator Steve Daines today took Environmental Protection Agency Administrator (EPA) Gina McCarthy to task on the EPA’s Power Plan all-fronts assault on affordable energy and good-paying union and tribal jobs. During today’s Senate Committee on Appropriations Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations subcommittee hearing, Daines challenged McCarthy to quantify the impacts of the anti-energy regulations […]

VA Lawmakers Block Funding for Climate Rule Compliance

Via E&E Publishing:  Virginia’s General Assembly yesterday blocked funding for the state environment agency to work on ways of fulfilling a federal mandate to cut greenhouse gas emissions. In a move decried by environmental groups, the Virginia House of Delegates yesterday pushed forward language in the state budget stating that the Department of Environmental Quality […]

Despite the PARIS Treaty, Coal Demand Will Surge

April 20, 2016: Global coal demand is rising – undermining the Obama administration’s environmental rationale for regulating the domestic coal industry out of existence to address climate change. Real environmental leadership would instead advance low-emission, high-efficiency technology to address global emissions. At the climate accord signing ceremony in New York Friday, the administration and its […]

Arizona Regulators Should Stop Preparations for the Clean Power Plan

Via The East Valley Tribune: In one of his last official acts before his untimely death in February, Justice Scalia joined the Supreme Court’s other four conservative justices in issuing a virtually unprecedented stay of the Obama Administration’s so-called “Clean Power Plan.” The stay effectively puts the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) implementation of the burdensome […]

EPA Budget Still Seeks Funding for Clean Power Plan

Via West Virginia MetroNews: WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy took fire and praise from members of the U.S. Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee Tuesday. The committee heard from McCarthy and quizzed her on the EPA’s budget request for the 2016-17 fiscal year. At the center of much of the […]

‘Scrubbers’ Muddy Claim of ‘Dirty Coal’

Via OneNewsNow.com:  One of the biggest arguments against the coal industry involves how “dirty” coal is but one critic of that argument calls it a myth. Sierra Club is one of the biggest critics of the coal industry, saying it contributes to everything from climate disruption – or climate change – to toxic water pollution […]

5 Charts Show the High Job Costs of EPA’s Clean Power Plan

Via The U.S. Chamber of Commerce:  Because of previous EPA regulation, states in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic have witnessed thousands of coal-related jobs cut. “Combine coal extraction losses with coal generation declines nationwide and the coal industry has lost more than 47,500 jobs already, with the promise of more to come by 2030,” Sam Batkins of […]