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EPA is Downplaying Sweeping Rule — Challengers

Via E&E Publishing: Opponents of the Clean Power Plan are swatting back at U.S. EPA in court, deriding the agency’s defense of the rule as an attempt to understate its “radical” approach to power plant regulation. In briefs filed Friday, the massive coalition of challengers — states, utilities, coal companies and others — renewed previous […]

Purposeful Job Destruction

Via Steamboat Today: This past March 13, the front-running Democrat Party presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, made the following statement: “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.” This statement was the final, outright admission of what she and President Obama have been trying to achieve for years. On […]

Europe’s Energy Crisis Poses Warning for the U.S.

Via Real Clear Energy: Europe has a problem that may soon become ours. Countries like Germany, Spain, and England are finding that their recent “green energy” experiments are proving too costly to continue. Between 2005—when the European Union adopted its emissions trading scheme—and 2014, residential electricity rates in the EU increased by an average of […]

CHART: Power Is A LOT More Expensive Under Obama

Via The Daily Caller:  The average American’s electric bill has gone up 10 percent since January, 2009, due in part to regulations imposed by President Barack Obama and state governments, even though the price of generating power has declined. Record low costs for generating electricity thanks to America’s new natural gas supplies created by hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, […]

Louisiana Attorney General Stands Against the Clean Power Plan

Via The Louisiana Record: BATON ROUGE – The Clean Power Plan, announced on Aug. 3, 2015, by President Obama and the EPA, has faced some heavy opposition from many state officials, including Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, who believes that the plan is injudicious and misguided. “The Clean Power Plan was created without Congressional authority and […]

Count on Coal Launches New Information Resource on “Costly Power Plan”

Washington, D.C. – Today the Count on Coal initiative launched a new online resource to highlight the economic impacts of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan on individual states. CostlyPowerPlan.com features an interactive map of the U.S. that enables the public to see the higher costs incurred by each state, as well as […]

State Spent About $150k on Clean Power Plan … So Far

Via Watchdog.org: UP IN SMOKE: Colorado officials continue to spend money on the Clean Power Plan despite a U.S. Supreme Court stay but have tapered off some costs. State officials spent approximately $150,000 to help Colorado implement the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, most of it before the U.S. Supreme Court stayed the rules last month, records obtained […]

NMA Documents Administration’s Failure to Curb Regulatory Abuse

Washington, D.C. – Despite the many executive orders and directives requiring federal agencies to curb their voracious appetite for regulations that are redundant, inefficient or outdated, a lack of incentives to repeal them has predictably resulted in costly inaction. That is the conclusion of the National Mining Association’s (NMA) review of regulations imposed on mining […]

Wasting Colorado’s Money on EPA’s Clean Power Plan

Via The Denver Post:  With the full support of Gov. Hickenlooper, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is refusing to fully honor the U.S. Supreme Court’s Feb. 9 stay on the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. Republicans in the legislature are trying to stop the agency from wasting taxpayer dollars pursuing […]

Alabama Still Threatened by Obama’s War on Coal

Via AL.com: The Obama Administration’s assault on the nation’s coal producers took a remarkable turn recently.  The U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay against the president’s massive “Clean Power Plan” (CPP), blocking the new program until a federal court determines its legality. The ruling produced a huge sigh of relief from the 27 states currently […]