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Wyo. Governor Blasts Climate Regulations After Mass Layoffs

Via E&E Publishing:  Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead (R) lashed out at climate regulations following an announcement yesterday that two major Powder River Basin coal companies are laying off hundreds of workers. “If they were truly concerned about global warming, if they are truly concerned about issues like regional haze, this is not the way to […]

Why Green Energy Means No Energy

Via Forbes: Here are some basic facts about energy and human well-being. • There are 7 billion people in the world who need cheap, plentiful, reliable energy to flourish. • Some three billion have virtually no energy by our standards. Over a billion have no electricity whatsoever. • In the history of energy technology, only […]

Costly Clean Power Plan a Bad Deal for State

Via The Free Lance-Star: The Supreme Court just hit the brakes on President Obama’s climate agenda. The court’s stay of the Clean Power Plan, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation to reduce carbon emissions from the nation’s power plants by 32 percent by 2030, should have been an important win for Virginia’s consumers. So far, […]

Wyoming Coal Operators Practice Responsible Restoration

Via The Casper Star-Tribune: I have watched with interest the public discussion regarding restoration of mined lands in Wyoming and the suggestion that some companies may not live up to their obligations. As a rancher myself, and as a representative of ranchers and agricultural interests, I recognize the importance of maintaining the land we call […]

Hillary Clinton and the Myth of Dirty Coal

Via Breitbart.com: There’s more fallout from Hillary Clinton’s recent pledge to “put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.” West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin calls Clinton’s comments “horrific” and noted that the reverberations of such remarks could sway voters throughout states where coal plays an important industrial role. Indeed, Clinton’s remarks overlook […]

OPINION: Arizona Energy Plan Will be Costly for Seniors

Via yourwestvalley.com: Recently, the Supreme Court took the unprecedented step of issuing a stay against President Obama’s massive Clean Power Plan. The Court determined that states should not be compelled to pay the exorbitant costs of the plan until a federal court determines its legality. The ruling produced a huge sigh of relief from the […]

The EPA’s All Pain, No Gain Plan To Nationalize The Electric Grid

Via Forbes: Unlike prior regulatory efforts to improve air quality by reducing toxic emissions, the EPA’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) aims to cut non-toxic carbon dioxide emissions by about a third. The stated reason is to slow the increase of the Earth’s temperature by 0.018 degrees Celsius by 2100. Back when one of the aims […]

Coal Jobs: Jenkins Takes on the EPA

Via The Bluefield Daily Telegraph: Kudos to U.S. Rep. Evan Jenkins, R-W.Va., who spoke in passionate support of the coal industry while questioning Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy during a hearing this week. Jenkins spoke of how the administration “has unapologetically and systematically worked to shut down our country’s most abundant, reliable and cheapest […]

Killing Coal Means Burying America’s Steel Industry Too

Via Brietbart.com: Hillary Clinton recently vowed to “put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.” It wasn’t a nice thing to say, considering the many thousands of hard-working men and women whose livelihoods are tied to the U.S. mining sector. Clinton’s comments weren’t a complete surprise, however, given the open hostility […]