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Yes, Coal Can Power Clean Energy

Via The Hill: At a time of heightened global discussions about low-carbon energy, we should take stock of priorities. How can we secure affordable energy, a clean environment and a healthy economy for our future? In a word: Technology. Recently Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) introduced a bill to further support just such innovation – the […]

Obama’s SCOTUS Nominee Has Sided With EPA Over Coal In The Past

Via The Daily Caller: Merrick Garland, the jurist President Barack Obama nominated to replace Justice Antonin Scalia in the Supreme Court, has a record of siding with environmental regulators over coal producers, among other fossil fuel groups, according to the Governor’s Wind & Solar Energy Coalition (GWEC). Prior to selecting Justice Elena Kagan as one of […]

US Coal Hits Back at Hillary Clinton

Via World Coal:  The coal industry has reacted strongly to claims by Hilary Clinton, who is running to be the Democratic nominee in this year’s US presidential election, that should be elected “we’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business”. Clinton made the remarks at a town hall […]

EPA Clean Power Grab Threatens Consumers

Via Real Clear Energy: This is National Consumer Protection Week, when the federal government partners with state agencies, corporations, and interest groups to help “consumers nationwide to take full advantage of their consumer rights and make better-informed decisions.” The irony is that while the federal government claims to be looking out for consumers, it also […]

Clean Power Plan Not Good for Colorado

Via The Journal-Advocate: The Environmental Protection Agency, along with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, are set on a destructive path in their quest for clean power. Determined to blaze a legacy trail for President Obama, EPA and CDPHE don’t care who gets harmed in the process of implementing the Clean Power Plan. […]

Discontinue a Costly Plan Already Halted by the Supreme Court

Via The Marshfield Mail:  Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court took the unprecedented step of issuing a stay against President Obama’s massive “Clean Power Plan” (CPP.) The Court determined that states should not be compelled to pay the exorbitant costs of the plan until a federal court determines its legality. The ruling produced a huge sigh […]

Gov. Matt Mead: “Double Down” on Coal

Via The Wyoming Tribune Eagle: Gov. Matt Mead unveiled an updated state energy strategy Monday that seeks to “double down” on the state’s commitment to coal while also growing the state’s burgeoning renewable energy sector. “I recognize that renewables have an important role now and they will have a greater role later,” Mead said during […]

GOP, Industry Backlash After Clinton’s Coal Comments

Via The Hill:  Republicans and the coal industry are lashing out at Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential hopeful’s prediction that her policies would put many coal companies and miners out of business. Clinton made the comment Sunday at a CNN town hall event while promoting her plans to help coal communities recover from the […]

Obama’s Clean Power Plan Will Destroy Navajo Nation Jobs

Via The Daily Signal: The federal government and their allies are choosing dubious environmental prescriptions to effectively impose a new tax on electricity increasing the costs of energy on all Americans and businesses. These added costs will especially impact middle and low income families, and those seniors on fixed incomes. When running for office in […]

NMA Remarks on Clinton’s Condemnation of America’s Coal Communities

National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn today criticized Hillary Clinton’s reported remarks on the nation’s coal miners in Ohio yesterday: “It is surpassing strange and deeply troubling to hear prominent presidential candidates boast of their determination in office to destroy the livelihoods of tens of thousands of hard-working Americans. Hillary Clinton’s assertion […]