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State Environmental Officials Say Obama’s EPA Has Overstepped Its Authority

Via The Daily Signal: The Environmental Protection Agency has overstepped its legal authority by imposing a regulatory agenda on the states, environmental officials at the state level testified Wednesday to a Senate committee. Randy Huffman, cabinet secretary at the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, testified that the EPA’s flood of environmental regulations since President […]

Coal Industry Burned by Crippling Regulations

Via Fox Business:  For decades, coal has been stoking the nation, but regulation over the past seven years has dealt a huge blow to the industry, spawning big job losses and bankruptcies. The FOX Business Network’s Jeff Flock spoke with coal miners from 200 feet beneath the surface at the Rosebud Mining Company’s Tusky Mine, […]

New Mexico Should Reject Obama’s ‘Clean Power Plan’

Via The Albuquerque Journal: Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court took the unprecedented step of issuing a stay against President Obama’s massive “Clean Power Plan.” The Court determined that states should not be compelled to pay the exorbitant costs imposed by the plan until a federal court determines its legality. The ruling produced a huge sigh […]

Why is Arizona Complying with a Costly Plan Already Halted by the Supreme Court?

Via Willcox Range News:  Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court took the unprecedented step of issuing a stay against President Obama’s massive “Clean Power Plan” (CPP.)  The Court determined that states should not be compelled to pay the exorbitant costs of the plan until a federal court determines its legality.  The ruling produced a huge sigh of […]

Affordable Energy Essential to Indiana

Via the Indianapolis Star:  In faulting backers of Gov. Mike Pence for defending Indiana against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s power plan, the March 4 IndyStar “Truth Squad” falls short of the truth. The Truth Squad discounts studies by our organization and others showing the high costs of this rule on the state’s households and […]

Coal Stream Rule Proposal Scrutinized for Costs, Benefits

Via The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel:  A federal proposal to better protect streams from impacts of coal mining is coming under scrutiny regarding its level of necessity, particularly out West, and what benefits it would provide. The National Mining Association is criticizing the proposal by the federal Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, saying […]

Cutting Off Coal a Terrible Policy

Via The Las Vegas Review-Journal: Coal is our most abundant and economical resource for producing electricity, and methods have been created to burn it much more cleanly. But President Barack Obama’s anti-fossil fuel fixation threatens to not only raise energy costs, but also do major damage to the coal industry and our economy. As Mark […]

Rogers to OSM Director: Coalfields Need Regulatory Relief

As Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Congressman Hal Rogers submitted the following statement for the fiscal year 2017 budget hearing for the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement: “Mr. Chairman, thank you for yielding. Director Pizarchik, I appreciate you taking the time to be here today. Welcome to the Interior subcommittee. “Yesterday, Secretary Jewell […]

Clean Power Plan Challenge is Based on Federalism

Via The Elko Daily Free Press:  Shortly after Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of the 29 states suing in federal court to block the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan to reduce carbon emissions from electric power plants, the attorney for an environmental group fired off a criticism. “Attorney […]

Clean Power Plan Unconstitutional, Economic Burden

Via The Springfield News-Leader: Like many of my colleagues, I was elected by the people of my district to protect and defend their rights, and to limit the impact of government in their lives. I work daily to promote a free market that generates jobs and prosperity, and to minimize the unnecessary intervention by government. […]