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Obama Takes Aim at Old Energy Sources Without New Plan

Via The Billings Gazette:  President Obama’s energy policies make no economic or political sense. The latest evidence of this is the Supreme Court’s ruling to temporarily block the administration’s effort to combat global warming by regulating emissions from coal-fired power plants. The court’s action — which was unprecedented — came in response to a challenge from 29 […]

Negative Impacts of Obama’s Coal Lease Moratorium are Imminent

Via The Independent Record:  Obama’s Department of Interior recently announced a moratorium on federal coal leases, and few states will be hit harder than Montana. Not only is our state home to over one-third of all coal reserves in the United States, but about half of the coal production in our state happens on federal […]

A Last Chance for Coal

Via The Washington Times:  States that rely on coal-fired electricity must take full advantage of the legal stay that the Supreme Courtplaced on implementation of President Obama’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) last week. The ruling was close, 5-4, but the message was clear: The plan was viewed skeptically by the conservative majority of the court. […]

States Still Face War on Coal from Obama Administration

Via Real Clear Energy: The Obama Administration’s assault on the nation’s coal producers took a remarkable turn recently. The U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay against the president’s massive “Clean Power Plan” (CPP), blocking the new program until a federal court determines its legality. The ruling produced a huge sigh of relief from the 27 […]

Obama Continues to Impede Domestic Energy Production

Via The Star-Telegram: With less than a year left in office, President Barack Obama is upping the pressure on America’s fossil fuel industries with a slew of new regulations and tax proposals. Last month, Obama ordered a moratorium on new coal leasing on federal lands. Unlike oil and gas production, which occurs primarily on private […]

Editorial: Supremes Stymie EPA

Via The Boston Herald: The Supreme Court’s unprecedented blocking of action on the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Coal Plan” is a severe blow to this unwise plan itself even though it is only frozen, not killed. Happily, it’s also a blow to President Obama’s scofflaw practice of “executive action.” Twenty-six states and agencies of three others […]

EDITORIAL: Stop ‘Irreparable Harm’

Via The Colorado Springs Gazette:  The Supreme Court of the United States says President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan could do “irreparable harm” to Colorado and other states. By a 5-4 vote last week, the court issued a stay that allows state governments to stop making plans to implement the proposed federal mandates. With the […]

Scalia Death Impacts Clean Power Plan Court Fight

Via The West Virginia MetroNews:  Last Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay blocking the implementation of President Obama’s Clean Power Plan curtailing carbon emissions from utility power plants. The 5-4 vote for the stay was praised by leaders of West Virginia and 24 other states who contend the EPA is exceeding its authority […]

TVA Coal Reductions Could Come With High Price Tag

Via The Chattanoogan.com: Reliable, low-cost electricity has always been the backbone of the Tennessee Valley economy. Low-cost power from the Tennessee Valley Authority, generated by a balanced mix of coal, natural gas and nuclear, drives the valley’s manufacturing economy and makes the region an attractive destination for business. In the process, Tennessee has developed the […]

Morrisey: States Have No Legal Obligation to Comply with Halted Clean Power Plan

Via The West Virginia Record: CHARLESTON — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, joined by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, says states should understand they have no legal obligation to continue spending funds to comply with a suspended and likely unlawful Clean Power Plan. On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court sided with nearly 30 states […]