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Supreme Court Blocks Obama Plan on Coal Emissions

Via WSAZ: WASHINGTON (AP & WSAZ) — The Supreme Court has agreed to halt enforcement of President Barack Obama’s sweeping plan to address climate change by regulating emissions from coal-fired power plants until after legal challenges are resolved. The surprising move on Tuesday is a blow to the administration and a victory for the coalition […]

NMA Applauds High Court’s Stay of Clean Power Plan

National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn issued the following statement following yesterday’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to grant the applications of NMA, Murray Energy, states and other parties to stay the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan pending judicial review of the rule by the United States Court of Appeals […]

The Supreme Court Just Delivered A Crippling Blow To Obama’s Global Warming Agenda

Via The Daily Caller: The U.S. Supreme Court just delivered a major blow to President Barack Obama’s global warming agenda by halting the implementation of a key Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation on carbon dioxide emissions. The court won’t allow the EPA to implement its so-called Clean Power Plan (CPP), which aims to reduce carbon […]

Supreme Court Threatens Obama’s Climate Agenda

Via Politico:  President Barack Obama will leave office next January with the fate of one of his biggest environmental achievements hanging in the balance. The Supreme Court on Tuesday took the unusual step of blocking the Environmental Protection Agency’s landmark carbon rule for power plants, throwing into doubt whether Obama’s signature climate change initiative will […]

W.Va, Other States File Reply in Clean Power Plan Stay Request

Via The West Virginia Record: West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, along with officials from 30 other states, told the U.S. Supreme Court in a filing last week their case against the Environmental Protection Agency is “truly extraordinary” and that the agency’s Clean Power Plan would impose the largest burden states have ever been asked […]

Federal Regulators Now Feeling Pain of their War on Coal

Via The Charleston Gazette-Mail: The major business news stories of 2015 all featured the decline of the coal industry, as if we didn’t know. Along with the falling fortunes of the oil and gas industry, there have been few glad tidings this holiday season for anyone in the fossil energy sector, least of all for […]

Clean Power Plan All Pain, No Gain

Via MySanAntonio.com: Imagine that your employer informs you that a 25 percent tax will be withheld from your paycheck, with that money going to help achieve world peace. While the sacrifice will be difficult, the cause is just and something you support, so you agree. You find out later, however, that yours is the only […]

Montana Poised to Maintain Coal Production, Export

Via The Billings Gazette: Thirty million dollars a year in lost royalties, hundreds of direct jobs lost, thousands of families out of work and out of options, entire towns destroyed, statewide economic ripples, and over $1 trillion dollars in stranded assets, not necessarily because of market forces, but directly attributable to a political agenda. That […]

Co-ops: EPA’s Clean Power Plan Math is Wrong

Via ect.coop: The Environmental Protection Agency has miscalculated the cost of its Clean Power Plan by ignoring its effect on electric cooperatives that own a minority share of power plants, among other mistakes, an NRECA analysis says. NRECA says EPA’s Clean Power Plan contains oversights that will cost co-ops millions of dollars more in compliance. […]

There Is a Big Free-Market Demand for Coal

Via The Wall Street Journal: I disagree with the letter writers of Jan. 20 and Feb. 1 who say that coal is dying and that the free market killed it. The International Energy Agency predicts coal usage will increase world-wide at least through 2035 and that coal will surpass oil as the world’s leading energy […]