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States Seek Delay Of EPA Clean Power Plan

Via The Wheeling News-Register: WASHINGTON (AP) – A coalition of 25 states opposing President Obama’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions asked the Supreme Court on Tuesday to stop the new regulations from taking effect until after their legal challenge is resolved. West Virginia and Texas led the group of mostly Republican states that asked […]

States Challenge Obama’s ‘Clean’ Power Play

Via The Patriot Post: With the June 30 deadline looming for states to submit plans to the EPA showing how they will comply with Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan (CPP), 29 states and state agencies — along with 60 utility companies or energy industry trade groups — have taken their opposition directly to the chief […]

Will Courts Step in to Squelch EPA Overreach?

Via The Exponent-Telegram: West Virginia and 24 other states, trying to stave off the potential economic disaster that looms if the EPA’s Clean Power Plan is implemented, have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene immediately to keep the regulations from being implemented. Their action comes after the U.S. District Appeals Court based in Washington, D.C., […]

Wisconsin, Coal-reliant States Ask Supreme Court to Block EPA Carbon Rule

Via The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel:   A coalition of coal-mining and coal-reliant states including Wisconsin filed a request with the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday to block President Barack Obama’s landmark climate change regulation from taking effect. The coalition sought an emergency stay from the nation’s highest court, just days after a federal appeals court in Washington […]

Alabama Among 25 States Asking Supreme Court to Delay EPA’s Clean Power Plan

Via AL.com: Alabama joined 24 other states Tuesday in petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to halt implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan while legal challenges to the law move forward. Alabama was among the states that filed suit challenging the CPP on the day it was published in the Federal Register, but an appeals court this week denied […]

Obama’s Coal Last Rites

Via The Wall Street Journal: U.S. coal producers are staggering under Environmental Protection Agency regulations and low natural gas prices. Now the ObamaAdministration is giving the industry its last rites by halting new coal leases on federal lands where mining is still profitable. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell has declared a three-year moratorium on coal leases […]

Coal Leasing Moratorium

Via The New York Times: To the Editor: Re “Mr. Obama Says Coal Hasn’t Paid Its Own Way” (editorial, Jan. 16): The Obama administration’s federal coal leasing moratorium is the latest symbolic yet costly gesture to show climate leadership. Fossil fuels will supply 80 percent of the world’s energy needs through at least 2040. Real […]

Coal Leasing Suspension Bad for Consumers

Via The Bismarck Tribune: Doesn’t it seem like almost every other week President Barack Obama does something affecting North Dakota citizens in a negative way either through executive order or via directive from one of the government agencies? First it was the Keystone XL pipeline veto, then it was the order by the Environmental Protection […]

Obama Escalates His War on American Energy

Last Friday, Interior Secretary Jewell ordered a halt to new coal mining leases on federal land and a review of the federal coal program. This order will accelerate deteriorating market conditions in the coal industry and undercut economic opportunity across America. It is the latest attack in the administration’s war on American energy. Last Friday, […]