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Interior Reviews Coal Lease Program Leaving Manufacturers in Dust

Via Shopfloor.org: Friday, the Department of Interior announced it would develop new guidelines for development of coal resources on federal lands. Included in the announcement was a moratorium on new leases of coal on these federal lands until a new environmental impact study is completed. These studies take years, and Secretary Sally Jewell said the […]

Here’s How Much Obama Cost Americans By Banning New Coal Leases

Via The Daily Caller:  President Barack Obama’s decision to put a moratorium on new coal mine leases could end up costing Americans billions of dollars as more federal lands are locked up. Instead, if Obama could have generated nearly $88 billion of economic activity from opening more federally-controlled lands to coal mining, according to a […]

War On Fossil Fuel: One Coal-ossal Mistake

Via Investors Business Daily:  Energy Policy: President Obama’s war on coal took its biggest leap yet last week when the Department of the Interior announced that it will suspend all new leases for coal production on federal lands. Along with Obama’s multiple EPA regulations, including his Clean Power Plant executive action, this could cripple future […]

Stream Protection Rule Battle Continues

Via The Wheeling News-Register: WHEELING -The U.S. House of Representatives is trying to prevent the Obama administration from implementing the Stream Protection Rule, a strategy which the National Mining Association claims will destroy 78,000 more coal jobs and up to 280,000 related jobs. Even in the face of the Clean Power Plan that targets carbon […]

Killing Coal: The Obama Administration’s Intentional Assault on an Industry

Via The Canada Free Press: By now, most people are aware of President Obama’s 2008 campaign promise to bankrupt the coal industry—which he acknowledged would “necessarily” cause electricity to skyrocket. Seven years later, that is a campaign promise he is keeping. Since moving into the White House, Obama has used bureaucratic weapons and administrative agencies […]

The President’s ‘Foolish’ Move Against Coal

Via onenewsnow.com: The so-called war on coal continues, especially in the wake of a recent announcement from the Obama administration. The Obama administration is imposing a moratorium on new coal leases on federal lands, as he argues that the program has remained largely unchanged for more than 30 years and requires a comprehensive review. According […]

Gov Mead: Wyoming Will Keep Fighting for Coal

Via wyofile.com: Wyoming mines produced 361 million tons of coal through December 26, 2015 generating over one-third of the electricity in the United States. Coal mines employ 134,000 people across the country, of those, 6,500 are in Wyoming. Coal is important to Wyoming and to the nation. We thank coal miners and all associated with […]

Commentary: The ‘War on Coal’

Via West Virginia MetroNews:  A favored tactic by the anti-coal crowd is calling out industry supporters for their “war on coal” campaign, dismissing it as hyperbole designed to whip up frenzied opposition among those of us who are supposedly in denial about climate change and coal’s future. For example, a Charleston Gazette editorial last year […]

Here’s How Obama Is Repaying The Indians Who ‘Adopted’ Him In 2008

Via The Daily Caller: The Crow Tribe welcomed then-Sen. Barack Obama with open arms in 2008, making him an “adopted” member of the tribe. But eight years later, the Crow are hurting financially by the environmental policies of the man they once applauded. The Crow will furlough 100 employees, or 25 percent of its workforce, […]

Republicans Furious Over Obama Move on Coal Leases

Via The Hill:  Congressional Republicans are slamming the Obama administration’s decision to halt new coal mining leases on federal land. Administration officials said Friday they would hold off on new lease sales while overhauling the coal leasing program to account for climate change costs.  Republicans, who have badgered Obama for energy and environment policies they […]