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Obama: ‘Perfectly Legitimate’ To Think There Is A ‘War On Coal’

Via The Daily Caller: President Barack Obama says there are “perfectly legitimate” reasons to believe that there is a “war on coal.” Obama made the remarks during an NPR interview airing on Monday as he was explaining that there are “perfectly good reasons” to object to his policies. “If you’re living in a town that historically […]

Bevin Administration Challenges EPA Rule

Via The Richmond Register:  FRANKFORT — In one of his first actions as Secretary of the Energy and Environment Cabinet, Charles Snavely has filed a petition challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan to reduce emissions from power plants. Snavely wrote EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, claiming the final rule — known as 111 (d) […]

Kentucky Mounts New Clean Power Plan Challenge

Via The Courier-Journal:  Kentucky’s new top environmental regulator, recently retired from working for the coal industry, has filed a challenge to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s landmark Clean Power Plan, the nation’s first rules to curb power plant pollution blamed for causing climate change. Energy and Environment Cabinet Secretary Charles Snavely, a former Arch Coal […]

EPA Critics Throw Down Gauntlet in Legal Fight

Via E&E Publishing: The many foes of U.S. EPA’s Clean Power Plan are preparing to attack the Obama administration on a host of legal fronts as the court battle over the embattled rule gets underway. States, industries and other groups challenging the rule to clamp down on power plants’ greenhouse gas emissions laid out their […]

Clean Power Plan Would Slam Local, Regional Economies, Committee Told

Via The Benson News-Sun: BENSON — Costs associated with the implementation and compliance of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan would devastate an already impoverished region creating a double whammy on the residents least able to shoulder that expense. That much and more was relayed to members of the Joint Legislative Review Committee on State Plans […]

Yes, AG Cynthia Coffman is Right to Sue Over EPA Clean Power Plan

Via The Denver Post:  Attorney General Cynthia Coffman deserves praise for joining a bipartisan coalition of attorneys general challenging the legality of the Environmental Protection Agency’s expensive carbon plan for new and existing power plants. Gov. John Hickenlooper’s attempt to cut her legs out from underneath her in court is the exact opposite of commendable. […]

Despite the Paris Enviro-piffle, Coal is Still King

Via The New York Post: History, on the “right side” of which Barack Obama endeavors to keep us, has a sense of whimsy. Proof of which is something happening this week: Britain’s last deep-pit coal mine is closing, a small event pertinent to an enormous event, the Industrial Revolution, which was ignited by British coal. […]

Obama’s Power Plan is a Costly Mistake

Via The Spectrum:  Now that President Obama has spoken at a United Nations summit on global warming, it’s time to consider the specifics of his new climate campaign. In the run-up to the UN conference, the president announced a “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) that would curb carbon dioxide emissions from America’s power plants. It’s an effort […]

Santa Baby, Bring Me Coal

Via Townhall.com:  I want coal for Christmas, and not because I’ve been a naughty girl. I want coal so I can affordably power up the high-tech toys Santa is bringing me, including an electronic butler who cleans and cooks and a modern, coal-fired steam locomotive that will allow me to bypass the TSA Snooper Troopers […]

Not So Fast: EPA Chief’s Coal Comments Unhinged from Reality

Via the Institute for 21st Century Energy: By: Dan Byers As we have repeatedly warned, an “air of unreality” is permeating the COP 21 climate talks.  Any agreements reached later this week will have little or no impact on what actually happens in the real world. On Thursday, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy joined the party […]