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Obama’s Power Plan is a Costly Mistake

Via The Spectrum:  Now that President Obama has spoken at a United Nations summit on global warming, it’s time to consider the specifics of his new climate campaign. In the run-up to the UN conference, the president announced a “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) that would curb carbon dioxide emissions from America’s power plants. It’s an effort […]

Santa Baby, Bring Me Coal

Via Townhall.com:  I want coal for Christmas, and not because I’ve been a naughty girl. I want coal so I can affordably power up the high-tech toys Santa is bringing me, including an electronic butler who cleans and cooks and a modern, coal-fired steam locomotive that will allow me to bypass the TSA Snooper Troopers […]

Not So Fast: EPA Chief’s Coal Comments Unhinged from Reality

Via the Institute for 21st Century Energy: By: Dan Byers As we have repeatedly warned, an “air of unreality” is permeating the COP 21 climate talks.  Any agreements reached later this week will have little or no impact on what actually happens in the real world. On Thursday, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy joined the party […]

Lawsuits Greet Clean Power Plan

Via Heartland.org: Igniting what promises to be a protracted legal battle, on October 22 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its Clean Power Plan (CPP) in the Federal Register. Crafted to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from existing power plants, CPP is the centerpiece of the Obama administration’s strategy to address what it characterizes as manmade […]

Stopping the President’s Climate Slush Fund

Via the Senate Republican Policy Committee:  Developing countries meeting in Paris say they could want at least $5.4 trillion by 2030 for climate mitigation and adaptation projects. Developed countries, including the U.S., are pledging to contribute $100 billion annually. Congress rejects the Green Climate Fund as no more than a U.N. slush fund. This week, […]

Stream Rule Sparks Fireworks at Oversight Panel

Via E&E News: House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Republicans pelted a top Interior Department official with tough, rapid-fire questions yesterday on the agency’s proposed stream protection rule. GOP members of two panel subcommittees expressed deep skepticism toward the Obama administration’s assertion that the rule would not have a significant negative impact on the economy […]

How Will the Clean Power Plan Affect the Power Sector?

Via  The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:  Will the Obama administration’s new rules on carbon emissions from power plants spike power prices in Pennsylvania by 26 percent? Or will electricity customers see their monthly bills decline 7 percent? Both figures have been presented as possibilities within models touted by interest groups assessing the Clean Power Plan, an historic […]

Obama Power Plan Is Costly Mistake

Via The State Journal Register:  Now that President Obama has spoken at a UN summit on global warming, it’s time to consider the specifics of his new climate campaign. In the run-up to the UN conference, the president announced a “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) that would curb carbon dioxide emissions from America’s power plants. It’s […]

Obama’s Costly Power Plan

Via The Southern Illinoisan:  Now that President Obama has spoken at a United Nations summit on global warming, it’s time to consider the specifics of his new climate campaign. In the run-up to the U.N. conference, the president announced a “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) that would curb carbon dioxide emissions from America’s power plants. It’s […]

Five Major Problems with the Clean Power Plan

Via Kentucky Living.com: As you read this today, please put aside your personal beliefs about the climate of our planet, and also put aside your political likes and dislikes. Why? Because regardless of whether you approve or disapprove of what’s going on in Washington, D.C., or in Frankfort or even your own county, the newest […]