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EPA Regulations To Cause Double-Digit Electricity Price Increases In Nearly Every State

Via The Daily Caller:  People should enjoy the relatively low electricity prices while they can this Thanksgiving season, because nearly every state could see double-digit increases in electricity rates due to federal regulations forcing coal plants to retire, according to two separate studies. Two new studies by Energy Ventures Analysis and NERA Economic Consulting claim […]

Congress Can Cool Off Obama’s Climate Plans

Via The Wall Street Journal:  When the U.N. climate-change talks convene in Paris next week, the risks will be high for American taxpayers. President Obama wants a climate deal and is willing to pay dearly to get it. The inevitable outcome is a plan with unproven benefits and unreachable goals, but very real costs. It […]

New EPA Rules Would Dismantle State Plans for Energy Supply

Via The Delco Times: The quest for cleaner energy is one of the great challenges of the 21st century, and has fueled many “green” initiatives in recent years. But something troubling is coming down the pike now that the Obama administration has announced its new “Clean Power Plan.” In a full-speed-ahead quest to lower carbon […]

Energy Chief: Electricity Prices Will Jump 25% Under Obama Plan

Via The Washington Examiner: “What a glorious mess is being created in America,” Murray plans to say at Thursday’s Texas Public Policy Foundation’s second annual At the Crossroads: Energy & Climate Policy Summit. “President Obama is the greatest destroyer and enemy of available, reliable, affordable electricity that the United States has ever seen,” added Murray, […]

Take an Honest Look at the Pain EPA will Cause in North Dakota

Via Inforum:  Dean Hulse recently took Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., to task (letter, Forum, Nov. 10) for sponsoring a resolution of disapproval of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. He notes, however, that EPA’s plan to reduce carbon dioxide would account for some measure of pain on North Dakota. So let’s look at the pain and […]

Study: EPA’s Clean Power Plan Could Lead to Closure of Colstrip Plants

Via The Missoulian:  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, if enacted, could lead to the closure of the four-unit power-generating station in Colstrip, according to a study released last week by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana. “If you look at the emissions of Colstrip and the amount […]

The EPA’s Plan to Destroy N. Dakota’s Coal Industry

Via The Dickinson Press:  The middle-aged man next to me said, “I’m going to lose my job at the mine.”  The big room at the Bismarck State College Energy Center was filled to standing room only for the public meeting explaining the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. Job loss for North Dakota workers […]

Controversy Grows Over EPA’s Clean Power Plan

Via The Pittsburgh Business Times:  Controversy is mounting over the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. The plan is designed to reduce carbon outputs from power plants and thereby reduce the United States’ impact on global climate change. But its regulatory requirements will force serious changes to occur among those connected to major forms of […]

War On Coal Projected To Cost Us $650 Billion And 125,800 Jobs

Via Town Hall:  Obama’s war on coal has hit these communities hard. We all know that. In fact, there is “visceral disgust” for Obama’s environmental policies in the Appalachian counties that have long-supported Democrats since the New Deal. The shift towards the Republican Party was seen in Kentucky when Mitch McConnell easily won re-election over […]

EPA’S Clean Power Plan: An Economic Impact Analysis

President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed the Clean Power Plan (CPP) – a controversial regulation intended to reduce carbon emissions from U.S. power plants. As this report documents, the CPP carries significant cost implications for consumers, states and the nation. Read the report (PDF)