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EPA’s Clean Power Plan Oversteps Federal Authority

Via The Floyd County Times: The quest for cleaner energy is one of the great challenges of the 21st Century, and has fueled many “green” initiatives in recent years. But something troubling is coming down the pike now that the Obama Administration has announced its new “Clean Power Plan” (CPP). In a full-speed-ahead quest to […]

Higher Job Losses Due To Overreaching Regulation

New Federal Stream Protection Rule Will Cost Jobs and Coal Communities Nationwide, Warns National Mining Association WASHINGTON D.C. – A new Obama administration regulation—the so-called Stream Protection Rule—is about to drive up energy costs and unemployment with no gain in environmental benefits, cautions the National Mining Association. “The primary motive of this regulation is not […]

Clean Power Plan: Legal Challenge From States a Necessity

Via The Bluefield Daily Telegraph: We are pleased to see that West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is once again leading a coalition of 23 states in a lawsuit seeking to strike down the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s crippling Clean Power Plan. In the petition for review and stay motions, which were filed Friday in […]

NMA’s Quinn Slams OSM’s “Rule in Search of a Purpose”

National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn today told a Senate oversight hearing that the Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation Enforcement’s (OSM) so-called Stream Protection Rule is more about protecting the jobs of regulators than protecting the environment: “The SPR is a massive rule in search of a purpose. OSM’s own reports […]

Stream Rule Could Cost More than 200K Jobs — Report

Via E&E Publishing: The Interior Department’s proposed rule to protect waterways from coal mining could end up costing the U.S. economy more than 200,000 jobs, said a report prepared for the National Mining Association (NMA). The document, prepared by consultant Ramboll Environ Inc., directly contradicts the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement’s own peer-reviewed economic […]

America vs. The EPA: Fighting ‘A Massive Executive Power Grab’

Via The Daily Caller:  The Environmental Protection Agency finally published a regulation that will be the backbone of President Barack Obama’s plan to fight global warming: a sweeping rule called the Clean Power Plan. Attorneys general from 26 states and numerous business groups, however, aren’t going to stand idly by while EPA regulations threaten the closure […]

EPA Plan Means Higher Prices, Grid Issues in Texas

Via ECT.coop:  Electricity prices in Texas will rise sharply and a chunk of coal power will be sidelined under the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, the state’s grid operator says. An analysis released Oct. 16 by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas foresees a 16 percent boost in energy costs for consumers by 2030 […]

New Study Discredits OSM’s New Mining Regulation in Advance of Senate Oversight Hearing

Washington, D.C. – A new study by an environmental consulting firm documents steep costs and job losses from a new regulation from the U.S. Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation Enforcement (OSM), adding further credence to widespread criticisms of this unnecessary rule. The so-called Stream Protection Rule (SPR), the subject of Senate oversight hearings Tuesday, […]

Does Obama Realize Negative Impact of His Policies?

Via The Logan Banner: Thank you, President Obama, for coming to West Virginia to discuss the rampant drug problem faced by our state, our region and, indeed, our nation. Perhaps no place has been more affected by the scourge of drugs — both prescription and illegal — than West Virginia. And perhaps no place in […]

Clean Power Plan Could Limit PA’s Energy Future

Via Centre Daily Times: On Oct. 9, the Environmental Protection Agency received yet another legal slap on the wrist for its overreaching rule-making — this time on “Water of the United States,” an attempt to regulate water sources nationwide. Eighteen states joined in petitioning the Sixth Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals to review […]