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EPA Clean Power Plan Oversteps Federal Authority

Via The Ledger Independent October 02, 2015 11:22 am TERRY JARRETT The quest for cleaner energy is one of the great challenges of the 21st Century, and has fueled many “green” initiatives in recent years. But something troubling is coming down the pike now that the Obama Administration has announced its new “Clean Power Plan” […]

Capito Questions Cost of Clean Power Plan

Via West Virginia MetroNews   WASHINGTON, D.C. — States like West Virginia have a steep hill to climb to meet the requirements of the U.S. EPA clean power plan. During a hearing on Capitol Hill Tuesday, U.S. Senator Shelly Moore Capito quizzed the EPA Acting Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation Janet McCabe about some […]

The EPA, West Virginia, and The Looming 20 Percent Hike In Energy Costs

Via Town Hall: If there is one regulatory onslaught that is not really being talked about much on the campaign trail, or in the debates, it’s the Obama administration’s clean power plan. As I’ve written in other posts, it seems to unfairly impact states that voted for Romney in 2012, it places fixed-income seniors in dire […]

N.D. Governor Says He Has ‘Direct Questions’ for EPA

Via E&E Publishing:  BISMARCK, N.D. — Gov. Jack Dalrymple plans to meet with top U.S. EPA officials next week to protest how his state was treated in the final version of the Clean Power Plan. North Dakota’s emissions reduction target quadrupled from 11 percent below 2012 levels in the draft of the plan to 45 […]

Here’s Why States Should Reject the EPA Clean Power Grab

Via BrietBart.com: By now, Americans are starting to learn about the Obama Administration’s new “Clean Power Plan” (CPP). And superficially, it sounds like a good idea, as in, “Why not make power generation cleaner” or “Why not move toward more renewable energy sources?” These may be laudable goals, but what’s immediately troubling about the new […]

Energy Market Demands Diverse Sources

Via The Standard Speaker: Editor, Your article on Aug. 11, 2015, made some very good points as to how taxes and regulations can lead to major problems in the cost and efficiency in the PJM Interconnection system. The PJM system was developed by electric utilities in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and other states with good […]

Technology – Not Caps – is the Answer for Clean, Affordable Energy

Via The Hill: There is much talk about where America should get its power following the administration’s stunning attempt to rewrite the playbook for our U.S. energy supply. The new carbon plan favors a switch to the most expensive forms of energy. It puts at risk the best, most reliable power system in the world. […]

EPA Air Rule Would Harm Colstrip and Montana

Via The Great Falls Tribune: Remember when our country had an “all of the above” energy policy?  Man, how times change in a hurry.  The outright war on coal being waged by Obama administration and the radical EPA has taken our country from a trend of energy independence to one where many experts worry we […]

Abolishing Affordable Energy Will Not Help the Poor

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. coal industry is mindful of its responsibilities as stewards of the Earth as well as its role in providing people and industries with essential energy. The impressive reductions in power plant emissions, the dramatic improvements in mine safety and the extensive reclamation of land following mining operations all testify to […]

Missouri Families Can’t Afford to Lose Affordable Power

Via The Marshfield Mail:  Right now, many American families are struggling financially. And as I look around at these families in need, I wonder how many of them are prepared to pay more for their electricity now that the Environmental Protection Agency is implementing a “Clean Power Plan” to reduce carbon dioxide “pollution.” At a […]