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The Unseen Casualties of EPA’s Climate Agenda

Via The Muscatine Journal: Since the Environmental Protection Agency, unilaterally and without congressional authorization, conferred on itself the power to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant, many changes have taken place in America, with few of them related to the climate. As a prime example, one study shows that the total number of coal-mining jobs […]

Snyder Invites a Federal Energy Takeover

Via The Detroit News:  Gov. Rick Snyder has announced he intends to help President Barack Obama impose national carbon regulations, the so-called “Clean Power Plan.” In a statement, Snyder claims implementing the federal rule is the “best way” to ensure Michigan “retains control of its energy future.” The governor has it backwards. Implementing Obama’s carbon […]

Ohio EPA Chief Faults New U.S. Air Standards

Via The Columbus Dispatch:  New clean-air standards threaten the future of some coal-burning power plants and would undercut Ohio’s industrial comeback, the state’s top environmental regulator told a U.S. House committee in Washington on Friday. “We are marching down the road toward implementing a rule with far-reaching economic consequences without any assurance that the rule […]

EPA Rules Stifle Job Creation

Via Republican American: In recent months, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a laundry list of mandates to implement President Obama’s climate agenda. The three most disruptive and expensive are the EPA’s proposed standards for ozone pollution, carbon emissions from power plants, and methane releases related to oil and gas production.All U.S. businesses would […]

Clean-air Rules Would Harm Ohio, EPA Director Tells Congress

Via The Columbus Dispatch:  New clean-air standards threaten the future of some coal-burning power plants and would undercut the state’s industrial comeback, Ohio’s top environmental regulator told a U.S. House committee today. “We are marching down the road toward implementing a rule with far-reaching economic consequences without any assurance that the rule is even a […]

Ohio Set to Lay into EPA at Hearing

Via The Washington Examiner: House Speaker John Boehner’s home state of Ohio will lay into the Environmental Protection Agency’s climate rules Friday, joining other states’ environmental commissioners to testify on the problems with the Obama administration’s strict rules for power plants. Craig Butler, the head of Ohio’s Environmental Protection Agency, will testify before the House […]

States Are Right to Pressure EPA with ‘Nullification’ Efforts

Via Townhall.com:  Sixteen state attorneys general recently announced the filing of a multistate lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan. The lawsuit is neither the first nor the last time we will see states pushing back against the nation’s environmental “authority” and other outrages emanating from Washington, DC. The […]

Gov. Pat McCrory Discusses Federal Challenges to North Carolina

Via McClachy: N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory told civic and economic officials in Washington on Tuesday that his state faces plenty of challenges from the federal government these days, ranging from “serious, serious issues” on transportation to new environmental rules that he finds overbearing. McCrory, a Republican, spoke at the North Carolina Business and Economic Development […]

McConnell: ‘Battle Continues’ Against Power Plant Regs

Via The Hill: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has vowed to continue his fight against the Obama administration and environmental regulators over their new climate rule for power plants. In a newsletter to constituents released Monday, McConnell said he will work to block the administration’s Clean Power Plan rules legislatively this fall, pledging to protect his […]

Coal Remains an Economic Cornerstone

Via The Lane Report: “It is important to talk about decreases in coal production, the job losses in the coal industry and the effect this has on the region,” said Kentucky Coal Association President Bill Bissett. But he has a further message he believes is equally important: Coal is still in business, significantly. “We are […]