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Ky. Wins Battle – But Not the War – on Coal

Via The Courier-Journal:  The real question for Kentuckians is this: Is EPA going to seriously consider the economic damage done to Kentucky’s families who are dependent on mining? In the first quarter of 2015, the number of employees at Kentucky coal mines stood at 10,356, far fewer than the 19,422 who worked in the mines […]

Fighting Back Against President Obama’s Anti-Coal Plan

Via bereaonline.com: The Obama Administration recently unleashed its latest attack on Kentucky coal jobs, miners, and their families by unveiling the final version of its so-called Clean Power Plan, which seeks to limit greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal-fired power plants. This move demands and deserves a forceful response from those of us who seek to […]

The Clean Power Plan and Supporting Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas

Via Forbes: The U.S. energy economy is the 2nd largest but most dynamic in the world, a massive complex devouring 6 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) every day. Our daily energy supply will continue to be based on the very real market factors of affordability, reliability, and availability, not the trite platitude of “we’re […]

GUEST COMMENTARY: Missouri Families Can’t Afford to Lose Affordable Power

Via The Missourian: Right now, many American families are struggling financially. And as I look around at these families in need, I wonder how many of them are prepared to pay more for their electricity now that the Environmental Protection Agency is implementing a “Clean Power Plan” to reduce carbon dioxide “pollution.” At a quick […]

Letter: It’s More Regulatory Overreach by the EPA

Via Inforum: It is no secret that North Dakota’s energy industry is booming. Between oil and gas development, and the coal and wind industries, North Dakota is flush with energy-rich resources. The Republican leaders of our state have done an outstanding job balancing regulation of the industry while promoting development. Unfortunately, the bureaucrats at the […]

Securing America’s Energy Future

Via The National Review:  Reliable energy production is critical for Americans’ financial well-being. By Marco Rubio — September 1, 2015 Today I will be visiting Oklahoma City to meet with some of the leaders of America’s energy revolution. Developments in shale-oil production such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have opened up new and exciting […]

EPA’s Price Tag for Carbon Regulations: 34,000 Jobs

Via The U.S. Chamber of Commerce:  EPA’s Clean Power Plan isn’t so much a “War on Coal,” as it is a war on coal workers. Sam Batkins at the American Action Forum is doing a deep read on EPA’s carbon regulations. He points out that EPA expects electricity generated by coal to drop by nearly half–48%–from 336 […]

Marco Rubio Jabs Obama in New Energy Policy Speech

Via CNN: As President Barack Obama highlights climate change and his energy agenda in Alaska this week, Marco Rubio, a Republican hoping to take his place, is using the opportunity to ding the President to spotlight his own energy policy ideas in the Midwest. The Florida senator on Wednesday gave a speech on energy in […]

Electric Grid Reliability Fears Remain in Wake of Climate Rule

Via Morning Consult: Stakeholders and government officials are unsure about whether the Obama administration’s legacy climate rule will threaten the electric grid, according to the ISO/RTO Council, whose members include independent systems operators and regional transmission organizations. Critics of the power plant emissions rules have long held that the Clean Power Plan, which aims to […]

EPA’s Clean Power Fraud

Via The Washington Times: By Paul Driessen  The Environmental Protection Agency has twisted 280 words in the Clean Air Act into 2,690 pages of Clean Power Plan regulations and appendices. The Clean Power Plan requires that states slash their utility-sector carbon-dioxide emissions an average of 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. At least 12 […]