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U.S. Should Begin Exporting More Coal to European Nations

Via The Wheeling News-Register: Against the backdrop of war in Ukraine, U.S. coal shipments to Europe are playing a quiet yet critical role in keeping the lights on from Rome to Amsterdam. If the shipments continue through the winter — and are ramped to replace the loss of Russian fuel — they will save millions […]

European Energy Independence with U.S. Coal

This week, Fatih Birol, the head of the International Energy Agency, warned that the global energy crisis is likely to get worse before it gets better, adding the coming winter for Europe, “will be very, very difficult.” His remarks reflect the increasing likelihood that Russia will completely cut off the flow of its natural gas […]

Coal prices soar to record highs on strong demand from a Europe in crisis

Via The Washington Examiner: Domestic coal prices have shot to record territory as the global energy crisis and the European Union’s impending Russian coal ban drive European power customers to seek out imports from the United States. European countries contending with significantly pricier natural gas are staring down a shortage of gas supplies this winter, leading them to switch back to more of […]

Coal Remains Globally Essential

Perhaps The Economist announcing an “end to coal” last year was just a bit premature. As The Wall Street Journal just reported, from Asia to Europe and the U.S., coal is once again having a moment. Energy shortages, rediscovery of the importance of energy security and energy-driven inflation are all driving a new, voracious appetite […]

Creating Our Own Electricity Crisis

Via Inside Sources: Across the country, electricity grid operators are finding themselves short of generating capacity when power demand spikes. The situation has become so tenuous that energy regulators are warning of rolling blackouts for entire regions of the United States. A leading culprit for this grid reliability crisis: our energy policy. According to the […]

Reining in the EPA

Today, in a majority decision in West Virginia v. EPA, the U.S. Supreme Court placed important limits on the authority government agencies have to unilaterally issue transformative regulations of vast economic and political significance. The court ruled that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) doesn’t have the authority under the Clean Air Act to force […]

California and Texas Blackouts Could Be Coming, Energy Experts Warn

Via Inside Sources: It could be a cruel summer for millions of Americans who are not only paying big energy bills but also worried the AC will conk out. That is because energy experts warn, several regions face potential blackouts and much higher utility bills. The Midwest electric grid has “a high risk” of failure […]

An electricity crisis of our own making

Via The Washington Times: The North American Electricity Reliability Corporation (NERC), the little-known organization that oversees the reliability of the nation’s power supply, recently warned that electricity grids from the West Coast to Texas and up through the Midwest are in danger of electricity shortfalls this summer. The Midwest is at particularly high risk, and just […]

Voters support action to preserve coal fleet and ramp up domestic coal production

Via World Coal: Polling released by the National Mining Association (NMA) shows, in the face of rising warnings over rolling blackouts, nearly eight in 10 voters – including a majority of Democrats, Republicans and Independents – want the US government to take action to prevent premature closings of functioning power plants until replacement generating capacity is […]

Voters Want Action on Grid Reliability

Americans are deeply concerned about the reliability of the nation’s power grid and the affordability of their electricity supply. They’re so concerned, even frustrated, with warnings over the potential for rolling blackouts – or worse – they now want government action to fix the problem. According to national polling from Morning Consult, nearly 8 in […]