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The Clean Power Plan — Condensed

“Now we have standards for carbon pollution[;] for the first time in history, the Clean Power Plan sets those limits.” -U.S. EPA Administrator, Gina McCarthy On August 3, 2015, President Obama announced the release of the final “Clean Power Plan,” the first nation-wide program designed to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by the […]

EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulations Will Raise Costs for Steel Industry

Via The Cleveland Plain Dealer: The steel industry in the U.S. is subject to substantial international competition, often against steel producers in countries where energy costs are subsidized.  Access to reliable and affordable energy supplies – especially electricity – is therefore critical to maintaining the domestic industry’s competitiveness. New EPA greenhouse gas regulations for electricity […]

Clean Power Plan Will Hammer Nevada seniors

Via The Las Vegas Review-Journal: Ronald Reagan once said that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Sadly, Reagan is being proved right once again by a sweeping new plan that the Environmental Protection Agency is trying to impose on the states. In […]

When Cost of EPA Rules Hit Home, Watch Out

Via The Kearney Hub: Lots of numbers have been tossed out over the past several weeks as Nebraska officials react to the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s announcement of more aggressive clean air goals and what they mean for coal-fired generating plants, but here is the most dismaying statistic: Nebraska electrical rates stand to increase by […]

Colorado Should Not Comply with the EPA’s Clean Power Plan

Via The Gazette: On Aug. 3, President Barack Obama laid out the final version of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. In the wake of the EPA’s role in the Animas River disaster, which so far has dumped 3 million gallons of wastewater into the river, Coloradans should rightfully be wary of the way […]

Obama’s ‘Clean Power Plan’ Hurts Economy

Via The Hill: Affordable, dependable energy is crucial to everyone, especially the poor, the elderly, those on fixed incomes, and local institutions like schools and hospitals.  Anything that makes energy more expensive and less dependable should be viewed with disdain. A case in point is a slightly revised version of EPA’s 111(d) Rule, better known […]

The EPA Wants to Trade Your Job for 0.01 Degrees Celsius

Via The Washington Examiner: For more than a year, energy and utilities experts have been warning that the EPA’s proposed “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) will increase electricity prices and jeopardize the reliability of America’s electric grid. But despite the warnings, President Obama made good recently on a promise to require steep cuts in carbon dioxide […]

EPA Rule ‘Dangerous Slap in the Face’

Via InForum: When the Environmental Protection Agency issued its Clean Power Plan earlier this month, Minnkota Power Cooperative and North Dakota’s elected leaders were understandably stunned by the final product. That is because the rule looked nothing like what had been proposed a year earlier. It was much worse for North Dakota utilities and electric […]

Forbes Forecasts Coal Resurgence Once New Occupant Moves Into White House

Via The West Virginia MetroNews: The chairman and editor-in-chief of Forbes Media predicts the next occupant of the White House will lead a resurgence in coal if that person is a Republican. “Coal is coming back,” pledged Steve Forbes during an appearance on Wednesday’s MetroNews “Talkline.” “What’s going to happen in the next few years, […]

Local View: Five Reasons Nebraska Should Reject the EPA’s Mandate

Via The Journal Star: The EPA’s “Clean Power Plan” would drastically increase energy costs for all Nebraskans without achieving its stated goal of combating climate change. Under the plan, the state would have until 2018 to submit an individualized plan to reduce statewide carbon dioxide emissions by 26 percent. Here are five reasons why Nebraska […]