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EPA Rule Would Mean Big Utility Hike for Montana

Via The Great Falls Tribune: For decades, thanks to the smart management of resources and utilities, Montana’s residents have benefited from some of the lowest energy costs in the nation. But, if the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gets its way, those affordable electricity bills will be gone, skyrocketing as much as 25 percent. Driving this […]

Indiana “Will Not Comply” With New EPA CO2 Emission Rules

Via The Beaufort Observer: Are you fed up with high electric bills? Get used to it. They are about to “necessarily skyrocket” as Barack Obama said if the EPA’s new CO2 emission standards are implemented. And if those standards were fully implemented it would have only a tiny, tiny (unmeasurable) impact on global temperatures. So […]

World Falls In Love With Coal That Obama Is Waging War On

Via Investor’s Business Daily:  At the very moment President Obama has decided to shutter America’s coal industry in favor of much more expensive and less efficient “renewable energy,” coal use is surging across the globe. A new study by the prestigious National Academy of Sciences detects an unmistakable “coal renaissance” under way that shows this […]

Jarrett: EPA’s Changes To Power Grid Could Wreck The Economy

Via Breitbart.com: Well, President Obama’s EPA has gone and done it. For over a year, energy experts, utility regulators, electric grid operators, and everyone else who understands how the power sector works have criticized the EPA’s proposed “Clean Power Plan” (CPP), saying it will increase electricity prices and jeopardize the reliability of America’s electric grid. […]

The Price Tag For Uprooting America’s Electric Grid

Via The Wall Street Journal: What does it cost to keep the lights on? The question is surprisingly difficult to answer. Yet it affects the quality of life for everyone. The answer matters now more than ever. On Aug. 3, the Environmental Protection Agency issued its Clean Power Plan for Existing Power Plants, which requires states […]

EDITORIAL: Save Us From the EPA

Via the Colorado Springs Gazette: The newest version of the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Clean Power Plan,” announced last week, stands to devastate Colorado’s coal-based economy. In Colorado Springs, it could negate the more than $100-million in upgrades to improve emissions at the city’s coal plants and would almost certainly force closure of at least the […]

Experts Agree: Price Too High, Benefits too Low for EPA’s Costly Power Plan

Experts Agree: Price Too High, Benefits too Low for EPA’s Costly Power Plan Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency released its final Clean Power Plan (CPP) – more appropriately labeled the “Costly Power Plan.”  As noted by National Mining Association President and CEO Hall Quinn, under the plan “American households and businesses will be forced […]

KY Buyer’s Remorse On CPP: This Is Not What We Thought We Were Buying

Via E&E News: U.S. EPA’s Clean Power Plan will be so effective at incentivizing a shift to lower-carbon sources of power that the agency may never find it necessary to tighten its emissions limits, Administrator Gina McCarthy said today. Speaking at an event hosted by Resources for the Future, McCarthy said the existing power plant […]

Industry, States Set to Fight EPA Greenhouse Gas Rules

Via The Wall Street Journal: WASHINGTON—Industry representatives and a group of state attorneys general are preparing to file lawsuits soon to challenge Obama administration rules requiring significant cuts in power-plant carbon emissions. The move, expected in the coming weeks, would open up a legal battle by contesting the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency on […]

Clean Power Plan Misses Its Mark

Via Greenville Online: South Carolina faces a financial body-blow due to the EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan. This plan would require a 30 percent reduction of carbon emissions from the nation’s power plants by 2030. To achieve its emissions-reduction goal, EPA is aiming to eventually phase out coal-generated power. While coal power plants are our […]