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EPA’s New Power Plant Rules Tougher on Indiana

Via The Indianapolis Star:  WASHINGTON – Indiana would have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants by a much greater amount than initially proposed, under the final version of a potentially historic rule released by the Obama administration Monday. Although Indiana’s goal has been toughened, the Environmental Protection Agency said the final rate Indiana […]

Climate-Change Putsch

Via The Wall Street Journal: Rarely do American Presidents display the raw willfulness that President Obama did Monday in rolling out his plan to reorganize the economy in the name of climate change. Without a vote in Congress or even much public debate, Mr. Obama is using his last 18 months to dictate U.S. energy choices for […]

Governor Scott Walker Statement on EPA’s Final Rule

Madison – Governor Scott Walker released the following statement today relating to President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) final rule. Yet again, President Obama is taking unilateral action and overstepping the limits of his authority to pursue a political agenda.  The Obama Administration ignored the significant, overriding issues that will increase costs for Wisconsin […]

EPA’s Clean Power Plan Won’t Stop Surge in Coal­fired Plants

Via The Paducah Sun: One of the main arguments supporters use in favor of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan is that it will help solve the so­called “climate change” problem. “We are taking the most significant step in U.S. history toward reducing the pollution that causes climate change,” declared the Environmental Defense Fund. Even assuming, […]

EPA Plan Offers All Pain, No Gain

Via USA Today: The Environmental Protection Agency’s final Clean Power Plan unveiled Monday reflects political expediency, not the reality of supplying the nation with low cost, reliable power. The revisions that EPA made to this plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions amount to changes without any real difference. States face even tougher targets for replacing […]

KY Gov. Beshear’s Statement on EPA Rule

FRANKFORT, Ky. – “I am extremely disappointed and frustrated by the huge changes the EPA made from the proposed rule. What is being proposed for Kentucky is disastrous – disastrous for our declining coal economy and equally disastrous for our very important manufacturing economy. The EPA claimed that it listened to the comments received on […]

Mining Group Asks EPA to Stay its Climate Rule

Via The Hill: The National Mining Association (NMA) is asking the Obama administration to stay its climate change rule for power plants pending judicial review. The Washington D.C.-based national trade organization said the new rule from the Environmental Protection Agency, which President Obama will announce later today, is going to increase energy costs. “EPA’s final Clean […]

Governor Pence Issues Statement on Carbon Dioxide Regulations

Indianapolis – Governor Mike Pence issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issuing its final regulations limiting carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants.  Known as the Clean Power Plan, the regulations impose a carbon dioxide emissions reduction requirement on each state. “When it comes to energy policy, this Administration […]

States Should Shun the EPA’s New Power Mandate

Via The Wall Street Journal: On Monday President Obama is announcing the final version of his Clean Power Plan, the carbon-emission rules for power plants to secure his climate-change legacy. The plan is designed to hobble electricity generators much as the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2012 rule to reduce mercury and other emissions has harmed the coal industry. […]

EPA Putting Affordable Energy in Jeopardy

Via State Journal-Register: Too often in this country we address one problem only to create another problem more serious than the first. I believe that is exactly what is happening with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Clean Power Plan, which aims to cut carbon emissions from the nation’s power plants. While reducing the environmental […]