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Governor Pence Issues Statement on Carbon Dioxide Regulations

Indianapolis – Governor Mike Pence issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issuing its final regulations limiting carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants.  Known as the Clean Power Plan, the regulations impose a carbon dioxide emissions reduction requirement on each state. “When it comes to energy policy, this Administration […]

States Should Shun the EPA’s New Power Mandate

Via The Wall Street Journal: On Monday President Obama is announcing the final version of his Clean Power Plan, the carbon-emission rules for power plants to secure his climate-change legacy. The plan is designed to hobble electricity generators much as the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2012 rule to reduce mercury and other emissions has harmed the coal industry. […]

EPA Putting Affordable Energy in Jeopardy

Via State Journal-Register: Too often in this country we address one problem only to create another problem more serious than the first. I believe that is exactly what is happening with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Clean Power Plan, which aims to cut carbon emissions from the nation’s power plants. While reducing the environmental […]

The EPA vs. Colorado’s Minorities

Via The Pueblo Chieftain: With the Obama administration only two months away from releasing its so-called “Clean Power Plan,” much debate has focused on the supposed benefits of cutting U.S. greenhouse gas emissions over the next 15 years. Lost amid the rhetoric, however, is the economic hardship it will impose on millions of working families—especially […]

GUEST COLUMN: EPA Plan Will Lead to Fewer Jobs, Higher Rates

Via The Lufkin Daily News: Texas’ balanced energy portfolio is what drives our state’s economic growth and provides job security to millions of Texans. Texas energy jobs aren’t just in oil fields, mines and power plants. The affordable electricity rates provided by our diverse energy supply ensure that other employers, such as those in our […]

Pennsylvania Leaders Must Reject California-cation of Power Grid

Via ydr.com: The idea of Pennsylvania doing things “the California way” doesn’t make much sense. Unfortunately, Pennsylvanians may not have a choice if the Obama administration has its way. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will soon finalize the “Clean Power Plan,” requiring states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30 percent by 2030. To […]

More States Threaten To Veto EPA’s Global Warming Rule

Via The Daily Caller: Mississippi has become the latest of a growing number of states to suggest it might not enforce a major EPA regulation to limit carbon dioxide emissions at existing power plants — joining at least six other states already threatening to not enforce the rule. “We do not see how it will […]

New EPA Clean-air Rules Threaten Rural Power CAo-ops

Via AZCentral.com: By this fall, the federal Environmental Protection Agency is expected to march the nation’s energy consumers into new territory on the frontier of controlling carbon emissions. Representatives of the big power companies are flooding Washington, D.C., in a desperate effort to mitigate the impact of the EPA’s venture, known as the Clean Power […]

Martin: EPA Plan Would Devastate Wyoming’s Economy

Via The Casper Star-Tribune: Each year, Wyoming’s coal industry delivers more than $1.1 billion into the state’s coffers. That critical funding helps pay for everything from roads to schools. But the state’s economic health could be in peril if the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gets its way. The EPA, under the guise of cleaner air, […]

Colorado Should Fight EPA’s Carbon Emissions Power Grab

Via Complete Colorado: When the U.S. Supreme Court remanded the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Mercury and Air Toxics Standards recently, it set a clear precedent that costs matter and that the EPA does not have a blank check on the wallets of energy consumers. The EPA’s claim that the $10 billion pricetag was “irrelevant” failed […]