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Southern States Rally for ‘Line in the Sand’ on EPA’s Clean Power Plan

Via E&E Publishing: SAVANNAH, Ga. — Momentum is building across the Southeast toward a “just say no” campaign for U.S. EPA’s final Clean Power Plan rule, expected to be released within weeks. A panel of lawmakers at the Southern Legislative Conference (SLC) yesterday passed a resolution urging state attorneys general to sue EPA over the […]

Stop the EPA’s Carbon Power Grab, Colorado

Via The Denver Post: The ruling is not likely to deter the EPA from finalizing its even more costly regulations on carbon emissions from coal plants this summer. Thus, states must be ready to ask the courts to block the implementation of a regulatory scheme that, according to independent economic consultants, will cost energy consumers […]

Power Plant Cuts ‘Too Much Too Soon,’ Utilities Tell White House

Via The Washington Examiner:  Coal utilities are urging the White House in an eleventh-hour plea to push back the Obama administration’s timeline for cutting carbon emissions at existing power plants, saying the aggressive deadlines pose a threat to electric reliability. The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed plan simply does not give enough time to build the […]

Pence Encourages States to Fight Greenhouse Gas Rules

Via The Indianapolis Star: The rules, which are expected to be finalized this summer, are the cornerstone of the administration’s plan to curb climate change. If states refuse to comply, the EPA has said, it will impose its own plan. But that would delay implementation, even without the legal challenge Pence says he’s committed to […]

A Cautionary Tale on Energy

Via Philly.com: The idea of Pennsylvania doing things “the California way” doesn’t make much sense. Unfortunately, Pennsylvanians may not have a choice if the Obama administration has its way. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will soon finalize the Clean Power Plan, which requires states to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30 percent by 2030. To […]

States Consider Defying Obama Climate Rule

Via The Hill: Governors of some conservative states are threatening to disregard President Obama’s signature climate rule for power plants, potentially creating a showdown with the federal government. Opponents of the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation hope that the decisions by the six governors could lead to a significant or complete destruction of the rule, thwarting […]

Some 2016 GOPers May Ignore EPA Coal Regs

Via The Washington Post: Some Republican governors who are running for president are threatening to ignore Environmental Protection Agency regulations likely coming this summer that would limit power plant emissions. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal have both been the most vocal in telegraphing their planned resistance. To combat climate change, President […]

KY Race May Alter Clean Power Plan Fortunes

Via Environment & Energy Daily: For many supporters of the Obama administration’s landmark proposal to cut greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants, Kentucky is an example of the plan’s viability. Even though the state is a major producer and consumer of coal, Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear’s administration thinks it can develop a plan to […]

Governor Pence: EPA Climate Rule ‘A Genuine Threat’ To Cheap Energy

Via The Daily Caller: Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is joining a growing number of states threatening not to implement the key aspects of the Obama administration’s global warming agenda, arguing pending Environmental Protection Agency regulations would impose huge costs on Americans. “One of the advantages in our economy has always been the affordability and reliability […]

6 Governors Threaten to Defy Obama’s Clean Power Plan

Via U.S. News & World Report: Denial has become defiance. Six governors, a Democrat and five Republicans who have questioned or avoided taking a stance on the existence of human-induced global warming, have announced in the past 90 days that they will not comply with the Clean Power Plan, the Obama administration’s signature effort to […]