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The Many Problems of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan and Climate Regulations

Via The Heritage Foundation: No matter one’s personal opinions on the climate effects of man-made greenhouse emissions, the Obama Administration’s proposed climate-change regulations will exact a high price on Americans and have a negligible impact—if any—on global temperatures. The EPA has already put into place several greenhouse-gas regulations; however, the most far-reaching regulations are set […]

Clean Power Plan Could Push Millions of Minority Americans Into Poverty

Via The Washington Times:  This summer the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will finalize its carbon-dioxide emission regulations under President Obama’s Clean Power Plan. The EPA’s own data projects the regulations will reduce global carbon by less than 1 percent and sea level rise by one one-hundredth of an inch. The price Americans will pay for these “benefits” is layoffs and […]

Pence Wants States to Join EPA Rules Fight

Via Pal-Item: WASHINGTON – Fighting the federal government over proposed greenhouse gas rules for power plants is worth the legal costs, Gov. Mike Pence said Thursday in a news conference with an industry advocacy group aimed at encouraging more states to follow his lead. “We do have a choice,” Pence said. “You can refuse to submit […]

Supreme Court Decision Could Resurrect Coal Plants

Via The Washington Examiner:  The Supreme Court’s decisive blow against the Environmental Protection Agency’s pollution rules could bring coal-fired power plants back from the brink. But not before a lot more legal action that could take months to wrap up. The high court on Monday ruled 5-4 that the EPA cannot simply ignore compliance costs […]

State Utility Commissions Should Fight the Clean Power Plan

Via The St. Louis Post-Dispatch:  In my six years of service on the Missouri Public Service Commission, I fought hard to keep electricity rates affordable and stable for the people of Missouri. But the Environmental Protection Agency’s new Clean Power Plan threatens to unravel years of hard work by myself and other state commissioners and […]

Stopping EPA Uber Alles

Via The Wall Street Journal: The Supreme Court scolded the Environmental Protection Agency last week for bombing Dresden, albeit long after the bombs fell. In 2011, the year the EPA proposed the anticarbon mercury rule that the Court has now ruled illegal, some 1,500 fossil-fuel-fired electric units were in operation. Only about 100 have not […]

Walker, Jindal Poised to Stonewall EPA on New Climate Regulations

Via Hot Air: When the EPA lost their case against Michigan in the Supreme Court last month, we talked about how the administration can win even when they lose. They manage this by setting deadlines for regulatory compliance which arrive far faster than a challenge can make its way through the court system. Then, by the […]

Forum: The EPA vs. Connecticut’s Minorities

Via The New Haven Register: With the Obama administration only two months away from releasing its so-called “Clean Power Plan,” much debate has focused on the supposed benefits of cutting U.S. greenhouse gas emissions over the next 15 years. Lost amid the rhetoric, however, is the economic hardship it will impose on millions of working […]

Republican Governors Signal Their Intent to Thwart Obama’s Climate Rules

Via The New York Times: WASHINGTON — As President Obama prepares to complete sweeping regulations aimed at tackling climate change, at least five Republican governors, including two presidential hopefuls, say they may refuse to carry out the rules in their states. The resistance threatens to ignite a fierce clash between federal and state authorities, miring the […]

EPA Rules Would Hurt Lower-Income: My Word

Via the Orlando Sentinel:  I’m the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, co-founded by the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Many people forget that King advocated for poor families, regardless of their race or religion, and I believe that he would find it troubling today to see that millions of Americans are still struggling […]