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The Lesson We Should Take from Michigan v. EPA

Via Hot Air:  There was some partying taking place in the energy sector after the Supremes delivered their smackdown to the EPA on Monday, and rightly so. The overreach attempted by the agency which delivered a crushing economic blow to a large, vital segment of the nation’s infrastructure was a dark harbinger of things to […]

Counterpoint: A Win for Power Plants and Consumers

Via The Chicago Sun-Times: Monday’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding power plant emissions is a welcome vindication of common sense that is missing in much of the Obama administration’s regulatory actions.  The high court effectively put the nation’s regulator ­in ­chief on notice that ignoring the costs of its actions is neither reasonable nor appropriate […]

Oklahoma Attorney General Challenges EPA’s Clean-Air Plan

Via kjrh.com: OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A plan by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants would threaten the reliability and affordability of electricity and cause substantial economic injury to the state, Attorney General Scott Pruitt claims in a federal lawsuit filed on Wednesday. The lawsuit in federal court in Tulsa […]

Editorial: Supreme Court Hands EPA a Welcome Rebuke

Via The Charleston Daily Mail: The Supreme Court’s decision earlier this week that the Environmental Protection Agency did not properly consider economic costs in its Mercury and Air Toxic Standards rule is rightly being hailed as a needed rebuke to an out-of-control administrative agency. The MATS rule, requiring coal-burning power plants to reduce emissions of substances like […]

EPA Raked Over The Coals

Via The American Spectator:  Consumers and businesses won big on Monday, when the Supreme Court struck down an Environmental Protection Agency regulation on coal plant emissions because the EPA failed to consider whether the costs outweighed the benefits. Not the cost to government, mind you. The cost to us, as consumers and business owners, to […]

Ratepayer Protection Act: Welcomed Move by U.S. House

Via The Bluefield Daily Telegraph: The passage last week of the Ratepayer Protection Act in the U.S. House of Representatives is another welcomed step in the ongoing efforts by the new Republican majority in Washington — with help from some Democrats — to stop the crippling war on coal that the Obama administration has been […]

Supreme Court to EPA: Power Plant Regs Do ‘More Harm Than Good’

Via The Examiner: In a stinging rebuke to the climate legacy Obama is desperately seeking to create, the Supreme Court ruled today that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) failed to consider the costs of certain regulations, which actually did ‘more harm than good.’ In its 5-4 vote ruling, the Court said the EPA failed to take costs into account […]

Supreme Court Blocks Obama’s Limits on Power Plants

Via The New York Times: WASHINGTON — The Supreme Courton Monday blocked one of the Obama administration’s most ambitious environmental initiatives, one meant to limit emissions of mercury and other toxic pollutants from coal-fired power plants. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the majority opinion in the 5-to-4 decision, joined by the court’s more conservative members. Industry groups […]

Court’s Decision on EPA Rule a Win for Common Sense

National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn said the Supreme Court’s decision today in Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA vindicates growing demands for common sense rulemaking from the Environmental Protection Agency: “Today’s decision by the Supreme Court is a vindication of common sense that is missing in much of the administration’s regulatory […]

A Worthy But Uphill Fight Against the EPA

Via The News-Sentinel:  One more area in which the federal government has gotten too powerful. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has written a letter to President Obama telling him Indiana won’t comply with pending federal rules restricting greenhouse gas emissions from power plants unless major revisions are made. Environmentalists say this snubbing of the Environmental Protection […]