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Temporary Setback: States Must Continue EPA Fight

Via The Bluefield Daily Telegraph: We were not surprised by last week’s decision by a federal appeals court to throw out a pair of high-profile lawsuits challenging the Obama administration’s controversial plan to curb pollution at the expense of coal mining and the nation’s existing coal-fired power plants. That’s because the court warned early into […]

Another Opinion: Clean Power Plan Will Lead to Increased Costs

Via The Daily Times:  In this year’s State of the Union Address, President Obama promoted his vision of “middle-class economics.” As part of his program, he pledged to lower taxes for working families, “putting thousands of dollars back into their pockets each year.” Alas, what his budget proposal pledged to giveth, his energy policy taketh […]

Pluses and Minuses of a Carbon Tax

Via The New York Times: NMA CEO Hal Quinn responds to the June 7th editorial: “The Case for a Carbon Tax”: To the Editor: Your editorial correctly assesses the Big Six European oil and gas chief executives’ call for a carbon tax as anything but a bold environmental stand. Self-interest motivates their plea for taxes […]

Don’t Let the EPA Badger Wisconsin

Via the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: The federal government is set to impose drastic new regulations on carbon dioxide that will saddle Wisconsin families with higher energy bills and eliminate thousands of jobs — and now we need our leaders to fight back. In a few months, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will finalize rules requiring […]

To Save Jobs, the Coal Industry Must be Allowed to Evolve

Via The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: As a veteran proud to serve this great country, I was confused by President Barack Obama’s comments prioritizing climate change as an “immediate risk” and disappointed that it was praised in the May 30 editorial “Military Burden: Obama Warns of a New Climate Change Worry.” The United States is the only […]

EPA Clean Power Plan Will Hit Blacks And Hispanics Hardest

Via Investor’s Business Daily: The Obama administration, the Environmental Protection Agency and environmental activists frequently claim that climate change will disproportionately affect poor and minority communities. This, they argue, justifies unprecedented environmental regulations like the EPA’s soon-to-be-finalized “Clean Power Plan” to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030. But what effect will the […]

EIA: Clean Power Plan Will Increase Prices, Reduce Reliability

Via The Muscatine Journal: The EPA’s so-called “Clean Power Plan” to reduce carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants has come under fire from utilities, regional grid operators, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) — basically, any entity that has some responsibility for seeing that consumers are provided […]

Here’s How We Can Stop the EPA’s War on the Poor

Via The Patriot News:  In his State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama promoted his vision of “middle-class economics.” As part of his program, he pledged to lower taxes for working families, “putting thousands of dollars back into their pockets each year.” Alas, what his budget proposal pledged to giveth, his energy policy taketh away. The industry […]

The EPA’s ‘Clean Power’ Mess

Via The Wall Street Journal: ‘Flexibility” is the advertised hallmark of the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Clean Power Plan, which by 2030 would reduce carbon-dioxide emissions from U.S. power plants by 30% from 2005 levels. The central feature of the plan is a forced shift away from inexpensive coal-fired power. Not to worry, says EPA […]

West Virginia Lawmakers Press Governor to Not Submit Plan for EPA Climate Rule

Via Politico: West Virginia’s House delegation today is calling on Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin to heed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s “just say no” campaign against the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. “As you consider West Virginia’s response we urge you to consider NOT submitting a state implementation plan due to concerns over EPA’s legal justification […]