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EPA’s Dangerous Desire To Become America’s Energy Regulator

Via Forbes: Imagine that a federal agency seeks to fundamentally change the way electricity is provided to every household, school and factory in the United States. In fact, the agency’s proposal is so sweeping and dramatic that across the nation independent experts have raised concerns about it. According to the Nation’s reliability expert, the North […]

State Rep. Andy Holt: State Should Opt Out of Clean Power Plan

Via The Knoxville News Sentinel:  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is at it again. Its new Clean Power Plan isn’t just an unprecedented attempt by a federal agency to tell states how to generate electricity, it’s also an outrageous overreach. What the EPA is attempting is far beyond its legal authority. Worse, it’s trying to […]

New Coal Regulations Could Cost Southern Illinois Jobs, Critics Say

Via wsiltv.com: If passed, new proposed EPA restrictions could cripple mining in Southern Illinois, critics allege. Each May, the Old King Coal festival takes over the town of West Frankfort. The city used to be a boom town filled with coal mines and a population nearing 20,000. “Now there are no coal mines in West Frankfort. There […]

States Aim to Pre-emptively Block Power Plant Regulations

Via Roll Call:  Nonetheless, Senate Majority LeaderMitch McConnell, R-Ky., has proven adept at reinserting Congress in the debate. In March, the coal-state senator publicly urged states to defy the EPA by refusing to submit plans for complying with the rule for existing plants, which he argued will eventually be thrown out by a court. It’s […]

Federal Rules Hike Utility Costs at a Time When E. Ky. is Suffering

Via kentucky.com: Eastern Kentucky’s persistent struggles to achieve sustained economic prosperity are well documented. It is tempting to conclude current difficulties are simply another cycle in that history. But that is not quite the case. While most of the U.S. and Kentucky are finally showing recovery from the Great Recession, there is no recovery in […]

Courts Must Step in and Stop EPA’s Brazen Overreach

Via foxnews.com: It’s been said that ‘timing is everything’ and time is just one of the issues at stake in the legal proceedings surrounding the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Clean Power Plan, which would regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants. Specifically, the Court must decide if a proposed federal regulation, like the CPP, can […]

EPA Plan For ‘Clean Power’ Could Jeopardize Safety Of U.S. Electrical Grid

Via Breitbart.com: As President Obama looks to implement strict rules on carbon emissions, coal-powered electrical generation is on the chopping block.  For those worried about “climate change,” coal is a convenient target. Unfortunately, a plan by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to shutter hundreds of domestic, coal-fired power plants has been hastily thrown together, with […]

Governors Have A Better Choice

“According to the experts who oversee and operate the electric grid, EPA’s plan will be difficult, if not impossible, to implement without weakening grid reliability and substantially increasing the cost of the nation’s electricity supply.” Read why Governors have a better choice here. (PDF)

Blacks, Hispanics Reject Obama Climate Change Agenda Over Concerns About Poor

Via The Washington Times: The very same voters who helped put Barack Obama in the White House increasingly are turning against the president’s climate change agenda, with influential black and Hispanic leaders warning that stiff regulations to limit carbon emissions will have a devastating effect on the poor and will further stifle economic opportunity for minorities. Some […]

Energy-producing States Blast Obama Clean Power Plan

Via The Los Angeles Daily News: WASHINGTON >> The Obama administration’s far-reaching plan to address climate change would cause job losses and lead to higher electricity prices and even power outages, attorneys general from two energy-producing states said Tuesday. West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt told a Senate panel […]