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Governors Have A Better Choice

“According to the experts who oversee and operate the electric grid, EPA’s plan will be difficult, if not impossible, to implement without weakening grid reliability and substantially increasing the cost of the nation’s electricity supply.” Read why Governors have a better choice here. (PDF)

Blacks, Hispanics Reject Obama Climate Change Agenda Over Concerns About Poor

Via The Washington Times: The very same voters who helped put Barack Obama in the White House increasingly are turning against the president’s climate change agenda, with influential black and Hispanic leaders warning that stiff regulations to limit carbon emissions will have a devastating effect on the poor and will further stifle economic opportunity for minorities. Some […]

Energy-producing States Blast Obama Clean Power Plan

Via The Los Angeles Daily News: WASHINGTON >> The Obama administration’s far-reaching plan to address climate change would cause job losses and lead to higher electricity prices and even power outages, attorneys general from two energy-producing states said Tuesday. West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt told a Senate panel […]

WV Attorney General Fights Clean Power Plan Legality in US Senate Hearing

Via The State Journal: West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey took another stand against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan on May 5, testifying before a U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works subcommittee hearing in Washington, D.C. Morrisey, who has taken repeated actions to fight against the legality of the proposed Clean Power […]

Okla. Governor Vetoes Bill Aimed at EPA Carbon Plan After Signing Executive Order

Via E&E Publishing: Edward Klump, E&E reporter Published: Monday, May 4, 2015 Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (R) vetoed a bill Friday that envisioned a review by the state’s attorney general of any state implementation response to U.S. EPA’s plan to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. Fallin issued the veto the same week […]

Carbon Taxes In Revenue Fantasyland

Via The Wall Street Journal: The words “carbon tax” are appearing ever more frequently on the lips of economists and policy makers. Earlier this month, former Rep. Bob Inglis (R., S.C.) received the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award for advocating it. Last Wednesday Rep. John Delaney(D., Md.) announced at a Washington, D.C., symposium on the issue […]

The Clean Power Plan Is No Climate Fix

Via National Review:  Obama’s signature climate effort won’t prevent climate change. It will only raise electricity costs without reducing the growth of global carbon dioxide emissions. The Clean Power Plan is among the most controversial mandates ever attempted by the federal bureaucracy. The Environmental Protection Agency has received over 1.6 million comments on the proposed […]

Okla. Governor Signs Order in Opposition to EPA Carbon Plan

Via E&E Publishing: Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin (R) issued an executive order this week to prevent her state from submitting a plan to implement U.S. EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan, which aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. Fallin, in a Tuesday news release, said her order was intended to show that “Oklahoma […]

NERC Finds EPA Deadlines Too Short for Reliability

Via ect.coop: “This study from the regulatory authority charged with ensuring electric reliability bolsters arguments made by electric co-ops and others that the EPA’s interim deadlines are, quite simply, not workable,” Emerson said. The report by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. said additional transmission and natural gas infrastructure will not be in service in time necessary to […]

EPA’s Pending Power Plant Rule Threatens the American Dream

Via the Energy and Commerce Committee:  Access to affordable and reliable electricity allows us to cool and heat our homes and powers our economy, but EPA is threatening to restrict access to affordable energy with its proposed regulations on power plants. Under EPA’s proposed 111(d) rule for existing power plants, referred to by the agency […]