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States Will Have Diminishing Roles Under the EPA’s Clean Power Plan

Via renewablesbiz.com: Terry Jarrett EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has been saying repeatedly that the EPA’s Clean Power Plan to limit carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants give states flexibility. “We’re particularly interested in making sure states and utilities can achieve emissions reductions along a flexible glide path so that they can meet their targets,” she said […]

EPA’s Energy Takeover Will Hit Alabama Families Where It Hurts: Their Wallets

Via Yellowhammernews.com: In the torrent of overreaching directives coming from Washington to the states, Alabamians may not be aware of the ongoing effort by the Environmental Protection Agency to sidestep Congress and stage a takeover of American energy. Not only are these regulations likely unconstitutional, but they would have a particularly negative impact on Alabama’s […]

The Clean Power Plan: Not a Viable Solution for the American Worker

Via insidesources.com: by John Roeber By now, you’ve probably read about the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed “Clean Power Plan,” and maybe even what it will mean for consumers, businesses, and anyone else who uses electricity in their daily life. On its face, the Clean Power Plan is a set of state-based targets for reductions in carbon emissions. […]

Why States Should Boycott the Federal Clean Power Plan

Via The Wall Street Journal: Better for states not to comply with the EPA’s plans than to go along and absolve the feds of accountability for the mess. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) set off a firestorm recently when he advised states not to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. Yet that […]

State AGs Take EPA to Court Over Proposed “Clean Power” Plan

Via Hot Air: The EPA is moving full steam ahead with their plans to clamp down on coal production in the name of reducing carbon emissions, regardless of how it impacts American energy independence or the costs which will be passed on to consumers. (And “full steam ahead” is probably an apt bit of gallows […]

McConnell: EPA Climate Rule a Disaster Worth Fighting Against

Via the Lexington Herald-Leader: The Herald-Leader’s recent attempt to equate those who work in the Kentucky coal fields — along with those of us who support and defend their way of life — with the Southern plantation owners who once enriched themselves off the backs of slaves is a depressing new low. It’s no secret […]

Louisiana Joins Other States In Fight Against EPA Emissions Proposals

Via The Advocate: By Gregory Roberts Washington — A federal court should block the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from issuing its proposed rule to limit carbon emissions, lawyers for a coalition of Louisiana and other states and for the coal industry told judges Thursday — but even the challengers to the rule acknowledged the court would […]

EPA Could Put Nearly 300,000 Jobs On The Chopping Block

Via Townhall.com: Combating climate change has been a priority of the Obama administration, and there’s a new regulation to be released this summer that outlines significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. It aims to cut them by nearly 30 percent between 2025-2030. Based on the calculations by American Action Forum (AAF), this new regulation would force one-fifth of […]

10 Reasons States Should Just Say No To Epa’s Power Grab

Via the American Energy Alliance Blog: Since the EPA announced its regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, what EPA euphemistically calls the “Clean Power Plan,” states across the country have been working tirelessly to assess their options. Many have found they are in a lose-lose situation. No matter what they do, their state […]

Halting the EPA’s Power Grab

Via The Washington Times: America is the land of the free, but environmentalists are determined to rule the air. The Environmental Protection Agency persists with expensive and unnecessary schemes to regulate harmless carbon dioxide — the stuff we and the plants breathe — and several energy companies and coal-producing states are making a final appeal to the […]