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Subcommittee Reviews Legislation to Protect Ratepayers from EPA’s Overreach

Via Energy & Commerce Committee: WASHINGTON, DC – The Energy and Power Subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY), today held a hearing to examine a draft of the Ratepayer Protection Act. The draft legislation seeks to empower states to protect families and businesses from higher electricity rates and other harmful effects of EPA’s proposed rule regulating […]

Editorial: Power Outage in DC a Harbinger of Things to Come

Via The Charleston Daily Mail:  As power outages go, the one in the Washington, D.C. area last week was relatively minor. But the outage didn’t seem minor to the dozens of people stranded on elevators, stuck deep in darkened Metro rail depots and to businesses forced to close early and lose revenue. But thanks to […]

Guest Commentary: No Regulation Without Representation

Via The Denver Post: By John Cooke and Jerry Sonnenberg It’s always wise to be wary when Washington offers to do you a favor. As with the money Washington sends our way, there are almost always strings attached or a trap door hidden somewhere. And so it is with the favor President Barack Obama did […]

Be part of the revolution

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Large Support Team

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SEO & Marketing Campaign

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam massa quis mauris sollicitudin commodo venenatis ligula commodo. Sed blandit convallis dignissim. Pellentesque pharetra velit eu velit elementum et convallis erat vulputate. Sed in nulla ut elit mollis posuere. Praesent a felis accumsan neque interdum molestie ut id massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla […]

Various Demos & Premade Pages

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam massa quis mauris sollicitudin commodo venenatis ligula commodo. Sed blandit convallis dignissim. Pellentesque pharetra velit eu velit elementum et convallis erat vulputate. Sed in nulla ut elit mollis posuere. Praesent a felis accumsan neque interdum molestie ut id massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla […]

The Dirty Secret of Obama’s Carbon Plan

Via The Wall Street Journal: By WARNER BAXTER Americans don’t give much thought to whether their electricity will be there when they need it. You flip a switch, the lights go on. Your phone charges up. The medical equipment in the emergency room does its job. Yet electric reliability, long a bedrock of this country’s prosperity […]

Clean Power Could Mean Blackouts for Nebraska

Via the Kearney Hub: Here’s an important question: Just how much of Nebraska’s electricity is supplied by coal? The answer is far more than one might guess. In fact, Nebraska gets 72 percent of its electricity from coal-fired power plants. But what if Nebraska were suddenly forced to seek its electricity from other sources? Could […]

EPA Regulations Hit Indiana Seniors

Via The StarPress: Energy prices are falling. If you’ve filled up your tank recently, you know that the cost of gasoline has taken a tumble. Natural gas and coal are also cheaper than they were a year ago. That’s great news, but one type of energy is bucking the trend. The price of electricity — […]