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The State Electricity Revolt

Via The Wall Street Journal: Health care, Wall Street, the Internet—by the time President Obamaleaves office, there may not be much of the economy left for his successor to take over. The better news is that his attempt to do the same to the energy industry is meeting heavy resistance in the states. The Environmental Protection […]

Indian Coal Economy has Suffered Because of EPA Regs, Tribes Say

Via the Billings Gazette:  CROW AGENCY — The coal economy on Indian reservations is being endangered by tougher Environmental Protection Agency clean air laws, tribal officials told U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., on Wednesday. Members of the Crow, Northern Cheyenne and Navajo tribes met with Daines for a Senate Indian Affairs Committee field hearing on […]

Wisconsin Joins Lawsuit Over EPA’s Carbon Emissions Rules

Via Chron: The state of Wisconsin has joined a federal lawsuit challenging new limits on carbon emissions from power plants. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Wednesday granted the state’s request filed last month to join 13 other states in the lawsuit brought last year by Murray Energy Corp., one of the nation’s […]

States Will Have Diminishing Roles Under the EPA’s Clean Power Plan

Via energycentral.com: EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has been saying repeatedly that the EPA’s Clean Power Plan to limit carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants give states flexibility. “We’re particularly interested in making sure states and utilities can achieve emissions reductions along a flexible glide path so that they can meet their targets,” she said recently. […]

Sen. McConnell Is Right; States Should Wait To Get Into Bed With EPA

Via Forbes: Last year, the Obama Administration proposed the Clean Power Plan (CPP), an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation that would reduce carbon emissions by 30 percent. A necessary result of these carbon reductions is increased electricity costs and reduced grid reliability as coal plants are shuttered. These concerns have been well documented. State legislatures, […]

‘Clean Power’ Could Mean Blackouts

Via the nptelegraph.com: Here’s an important question: Just how much of Nebraska’s electricity is supplied by coal? The answer is far more than one might guess. In fact, Nebraska gets 72 percent of its electricity from coal-fired power plants. But what if Nebraska were suddenly forced to seek its electricity from other sources? Could the […]

Will the States Thwart Obama’s Coal Plan?

By Paul Alexander “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” President Barack Obama famously said in January 2014. He was attempting to explain his strategy for bypassing the United States Congress, a body that hasn’t been very friendly to him, not even when Democrats controlled both chambers during the first two years of his first […]

Clean Air Rules Likely to Cause Power Generation Shortages in Much of US: NERC Chief

Via Platts: New US environmental regulations are likely to create generation shortages in the Great Plains, Midwest, Northeast and Texas, the head of the North American Electric Reliability Corp. said Wednesday. Speaking at the Gulf Coast Power Association’s Spring Conference in Houston, Gerry Cauley, NERC president and CEO, said new greenhouse gas rules could cause […]

EPA’s Clean Power Plan is Simply Unsustainable

Via AZcentral.com: Rural Arizona is at a tipping point as the EPA finalizes its Clean Power Plan that could dramatically increase the costs for power and water used by farmers, ranchers and residents to a level that is simply unsustainable. Before rural Arizonans came together to form consumer-owned electric cooperatives in the 1930s, water was […]