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Separating Coal Miners from Their Jobs Is No Solution for Coal Communities

Via Roll Call By Hal Quinn Former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland and his colleagues at the Center for American Progress believe the answer for unemployed coal miners is separating more of them from their jobs (“Congress Should Correct Distortions in the Coal Market and Invest in Struggling Coal Communities,” Roll Call, Feb. 11, 2015). Increasing […]

Miss. Could Face Shortages Under ‘Clean Power Plan’

Via The Clarion-Ledger: Right now, Mississippi gets 14 percent of its electricity from coal-fired power plants. But what would happen if the state were suddenly forced to seek all of its electricity from other sources? Could Mississippi experience shortages of power during peak use, with the cost of household power jumping significantly? That’s the baffling […]

States Can “Just Say No” to the EPA’s Carbon Rule, Expert Says

Via Power Mag: According to Peter S. Glaser, partner with Troutman Sanders LLP, who practices in the energy and environmental law fields, saying “no” is an option that states have in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Power Plan proposal. Speaking during a panel discussion at George Mason University’s Law and Economics Center […]

EPA Regulations Will Hamper Job Growth

From Agri-View: Here in Wisconsin, we do not have the luxury of Arizona’s sun exposure for solar power, nor do we have the open plains like Iowa and the Dakotas to yield a high margin of wind energy. In Wisconsin, we rely on coal, and it accounts for more than 60 percent of our energy […]

Basin Electric Urges Change in EPA CO2 Rule

As a nine-state generation and transmission provider, Basin Electric Power Cooperative finds itself in a unique, if not tight spot, under the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to slash carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. Basin Electric believes, as does NRECA, that EPA should withdraw its proposed Clean Power Plan targeting fossil fuel generation.But the Bismarck, […]

State Should Just Say No to the EPA

I like a warm house in the winter, a cool house in the dog days of August. I’m not so sure the Environmental Protection Agency wants the same for me. Amid the unresolved global warming debate, the EPA has proclaimed that it knows what’s best. When Congress refused to pass carbon caps, the bureaucrats at the […]

EPA Rule Changes Will Drive Up Cost of Energy

Gas prices remain below $2 a gallon in most of New Mexico, providing citizens of our state with extra cash for their winter fun. Don’t get used to it. The Environmental Protection Agency is in the process of implementing three rules that a new study by the Rio Grande Foundation and Beacon Hill Institute at […]

Why Fossil Fuels?

What Would The World Look Like Without Fossil Fuels?                 The United States is fortunate to enjoy abundant natural resources, including a diverse energy portfolio.  While much attention is paid to climate change, we tend to ignore the tremendous benefits that we enjoy because of that abundant energy […]

EPA’s Carbon Regs Could Cut Wyoming Coal Output 45% by 2030

From the Wyoming Business Report: According to a yet-to-be-released study by the University of Wyoming’s Center for Energy Economics and Public Policy, the Environmental Protection Agency’s planned carbon emissions standards for coal-fired power plants could cause a decline in Wyoming coal output by 20 to 45 percent in 2030. University of Wyoming Professor Robert Godby […]

New EPA Rules Will Kill Wisconsin Jobs

Harsh Midwest winters have a tendency to make Wisconsinites’ electricity bills jump quite a bit, but that is not the only thing that will increase our bills if the Environmental Protection Agency gets its way. Recently proposed rules by the EPA, expected to be finalized this summer, would sharply limit carbon emissions at coal-fired power […]