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Resist EPA’s ‘Clean Power Plan,’ Coalition Urges States

In the latest challenge to the Obama administration’s intensifying regulatory actions, a coalition of free-market and conservative organizations is calling on state governments to resist the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. In a December letter to state legislators, attorneys general, and governors, the coalition’s 37 organizations blasted EPA’s attempt to “coerce states into adopting […]

For Seniors, Think Affordability First

Nobody likes higher prices. But higher prices for an absolute necessity like energy are more than just an annoyance. For senior citizens living on fixed incomes and other economically vulnerable communities, increased rates can mean the difference between getting by and having to do without. Energy price increases have been outstripping seniors’ Social Security cost […]

Will We Run Out of Power in 2015?

Will the United States have enough electric power to get us through next winter? This may seem like an outlandish plot for an action movie, but it’s not so far-fetched. You see, new regulations handed out by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are forcing coal-fired power plants to close faster than they can be replaced […]

Power-Grid Officials Criticize Plan for Cutting Emissions

A proposed federal rule to cut greenhouse-gas emissions from U.S. power plants will weaken the nation’s power grid and could even cause blackouts, say some of the officials who run the country’s electricity network. The Environmental Protection Agency wants carbon-dioxide emissions from plants that generate electricity to be 30% lower by 2030 than a benchmark […]

Thune to EPA – Withdraw Backdoor National Energy Tax

Washington DC (KELO AM) – U.S. Sen. John Thune today sent a letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy calling on the EPA to withdraw its proposed regulations on exiting power plants, citing the significant financial burdens it will impose on South Dakota consumers, as well as technical infeasibilities that will drive up […]

Civil Rights Leader: Christians Should Find Increased Energy Costs Deeply Troubling

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which counts the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. among its founders, is based in Atlanta, Georgia but has branches across the country. One of SCLC’s missions is to eradicate environmental classism and racism wherever it exists. This past winter, we experienced one of the worst cold snaps and storms […]

The Clean Power Plan Is Unconstitutional

The EPA acts as though it has the legislative authority to re-engineer the nation’s electric generating system and power grid. It does not. As a law professor, I taught the nation’s first environmental law class 45 years ago. As a lawyer, I have supported countless environmental causes. And as a father and grandfather, I want […]

EPA’s Fibs in its War on Coal

ANALYSIS/OPINION Without affordable, reliable energy, life is short and brutal. Visit any place where families struggle to live without cheap electricity, and you will be horrified at the suffering. Without rational stewardship of natural resources, life is on a pathway to destruction. Visit any part of the world where carelessness rules resource utilization, and you […]

Another View: Coal is an Essentual Part of Our Energy Menu

By John Pippy Times Guest Columnist Jack Rodgers’ recent letter is correct in pointing out that “crucial details need to be worked out” in the proposed Clean Power Plan. Such work remains because of the realities of supply and demand. The Clean Power Plan’s requirements will force the closings of coal-fired power plants when no […]

Texas Says Federal Plan for Coal Plant Emissions is Too Harsh

Texas is not Kentucky. Or West Virginia. That’s clear to everyone. But there’s conflict over what these distinctions mean when it comes to President Barack Obama’s plan to sharply reduce climate-altering pollution from coal-fired power plants, the nation’s leading source of carbon dioxide emissions. All three states burn a lot of coal, but Texas says […]