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Montana PSC: Clean Power Plan Based on ‘Old World Definition’ of Power Grid

The Montana Public Service Commission has told the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that assumptions in the proposed Clean Power Plan are based on an ‘old-world definition’ of the transmission grid that does not accurately represent the realities of RTO divisions, according to TransmissionHub. In Nov. 21 comments submitted to the EPA, the PSC suggested that the final […]

Ohio Agencies Oppose U.S. Plan for Power-plant Carbon Cuts

A federal proposal to reduce carbon emissions from power plants nationwide is unachievable in Ohio and would unfairly raise electricity rates for consumers, the state Environmental Protection Agency and Public Utilities Commission of Ohio said yesterday. In comments sent to the U.S. EPA about itsplan to cut mercury and greenhouse-gas emissions, both state agencies said […]

PUC Calls on EPA to Pull Back CO2 Rule

The Texas Public Utility Commission called a new EPA law capping carbon dioxide emissions by power plants “unworkable” and an “unlawful intrusion” in comments submitted to the federal government Monday. “The rule establishes completely unachievable timelines for this fundamental remaking of the power industry, creating great threats to the ability of Texas to manage and […]

EPA Flooded with Climate Rule Comments

The Obama administration has received more than 1.6 million comments on its proposed rule to limit carbon emissions on power plants. The massive number of comments submitted before Monday’s deadline highlights the intense interest from both environmental groups hailing the rule as an historic effort to curb climate change, and business and energy groups who […]

Wyoming PSC Chairman: EPA’s CO2 Rules Unrealistic

CASPER, WYO. — New rules to cut carbon dioxide emissions nationwide could force utilities to have to shut down four coal-fired power plants in Wyoming years before they would be obsolete otherwise, said the chairman of the Wyoming Public Service Commission. The proposed rules overestimate utilities’ ability to improve the efficiency of coal-fired power plants and […]

Vitter Comments to EPA: Power Rule a Costly ‘Bully’

U.S. EPA’s Clean Power Plan tramples states’ authority over their own power sectors, would drive up costs and is based on unsound science, outgoing Senate Environment and Public Works Committee ranking member David Vitter (R-La.) argued in comments submitted to the agency today. Vitter provided EPA with copies of letters, reports and witness testimony to […]

Supreme Court to Review EPA Rule on Power Plant Emissions

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday said it would review the nation’s first-ever standards requiring power plants to reduce mercury emissions and other toxic air pollutants, taking up a case with implications for President Barack Obama ’s broader environmental agenda. The high court accepted several challenges to the rules brought by the utility industry and […]

Viewpoint: EPA Regulations Hit Florida’s Poor, Seniors Hardest

Energy policy used to be focused on providing affordable, reliable energy. But President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency have swapped that focus for one on reducing carbon emissions. As many Americans still struggle to recover from the Great Recession, that focus couldn’t be more off the mark. The EPA’s new, proposed plan aimed at […]

Report: EPA Regulations To Raise Power Costs 37 Percent By 2020

Environmental Protection Agency rules will only force electricity prices up even higher as the agency finalizes a slew of regulations aimed at the power sector, according to a new report. The report by Energy Ventures Analysis found that the EPA underestimates how much its power plant regulatory regime will raise electricity and natural gas prices by […]

Nothing ‘Commonsense’ About EPA’s Proposed Rule

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this summer billed its proposal to cut carbon emissions from power plants as a “commonsense plan.” Unfortunately, what the EPA considers common sense actually defies that definition. Even worse, it will hurt families and the region’s economy. Simply stated, this is a vital policy struggle about keeping your lights on […]