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Electric Bills Heading Up This Winter

Massachusetts consumers will pay significantly higher electric bills this winter as a persistent shortage of natural gas for generating plants drives power prices to record levels. The cost for a typical household could top $150 a month, based on an announcement this week from one of the state’s two dominant utilities, National Grid. It said […]

Fla. Utilities Cite Geography, Fuel Diversity in Criticizing EPA Rule

Florida’s electric utilities have rather profound thoughts about U.S. EPA’s proposed rule to cut carbon emissions from existing power plants, a survey of documents submitted to state utility regulators shows. Mostly, the utilities think EPA’s rule as it pertains to Florida is unfair, unachievable and costly. “The level of reductions projected by the EPA in […]

Electrical Grid: GAO Report Raises Concern

As more coal-fired power plants are shuttered across the nation, the greater the impact will be on the nation’s economy and electrical grid. That’s the conclusion of an alarming new report from the Government Accountability Office, which recently examined the impact of retiring coal-fired power plants in response to crippling new Environmental Protection Agency standards. […]

Will EPA Rules Leave Americans Out in the Cold this Winter?

Imagine what good could have occurred if the United States Senate had followed suit last year after the House of Representatives passed the Regulations from Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act? The REINS Act, an idea offered by retired Campbell County Judge-Executive Lloyd Rogers, requires congressional approval for regulations deemed to cost more than […]

EPA Rules for Coal-fired Power Threaten Midwest Reliability — Grid Operator

A wave of coal plant closures in the Midwest tied to new U.S. EPA clean air rules is squeezing critical reserve margins — the excess power that’s provided a buffer against reliability problems — in Michigan, Kentucky, Iowa and Indiana, a top grid expert warned yesterday. Clair Moeller, who supervises transmission and technology for the […]

17 State Utility Commissioners Say EPA Plan Would be Bad for Reliability

U.S. EPA should reconsider its proposal for existing power plants in order to keep a reliable supply of inexpensive power flowing to consumers, a group of 17 current and future utility commissioners said today. In a letter organized by the National Mining Association’s Count on Coal campaign, the officials called EPA’s June 2 proposal an […]

N.Y.’s Reliability Could be in Trouble Starting in 2019 — State Grid Operator

The Empire State will begin to experience power generation shortages in the southeastern part of the state starting in 2019 unless something is done to correct the looming reality of too little electricity in the region, a report on the bulk power system concluded. The New York Independent System Operator in its latest “reality needs […]

Senators: Higher Energy Costs Could Force Almost 1 Million into Poverty

A 10-percent increase in home energy costs could push 840,000 people into poverty, according to a new white paper by two GOP senators. Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Tim Scott (S.C.) argue that lawmakers should consider the impact of policy changes and federal regulations on the energy expenses incurred by households. “Too many Americans […]

JEA: Obama’s Pollution Reduction Plan ‘Most Disruptive Energy Policy in Modern Times’

Jacksonville utility says the proposed EPA rule could cause rate increases to local customers and across the state JEA casts a critical eye toward President Barack Obama’s proposal seeking to curb pollution from the nation’s power plants, using unusually pointed language to say the regulations would imperil local ratepayers, strip Florida utilities of needed fuel […]

GAO: More Coal Power Plants to Retire than Previously Thought

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) increased the amount of coal-fired power plants that it estimates will be retired by 2025. The GAO, which serves as a watchdog for Congress, said Monday that the most current data points to 13 percent of 2012’s coal-fueled electric generating capacity being retired by 2025, due to environmental regulations, increase […]