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Creating Our Own Energy Crisis

Perhaps the greatest challenge of the energy transition is timing the installation of the infrastructure and generating capacity required for our energy future in parallel with – or more quickly – than we are dismantling our current electricity mix and the affordability and reliability it underpins. Unfortunately, it’s a challenge policymakers either seem not to […]

The LNG Export Boom and a Check on Abundance

U.S. electricity demand is about to begin a steep climb, potentially doubling by 2050 on the back of the electric vehicle revolution. As that ascent begins, the U.S. is becoming the world’s largest exporter of liquified natural gas (LNG) just as the shale industry reckons with an end to the boom. As The Wall Street […]

Power Grid Roulette

Another February storm has Texans wondering if they’re in for a repeat of the catastrophic grid failure of a year ago. While this storm isn’t expected to be nearly as severe, there’s an uneasy recognition from regulators and policymakers that given the right circumstances the Texas grid could go over the edge once again. Despite […]

Europe’s Self-Made Energy Crisis

The European energy crisis is poised to go from very bad to unimaginably worse. While all eyes are on Ukraine and Russia, Europe’s energy woes are largely self-made, not due to outside forces. Europe has made its own bed, disassembling dispatchable fuel diversity by closing well-operating coal and nuclear power plants. In doing so it […]

Inflation, rising energy prices could squeeze US families

Via The Casper Star Tribune: Americans have their hands full right now. The COVID pandemic has made a major resurgence. And at the same time, inflation just hit 7% — the highest rate in 40 years. Some of the toughest increases are happening in energy costs. In December, gasoline prices were up roughly 50% from […]

Did We Learn Anything from Texas?

On December 30th, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) issued a press release declaring that 322 power generating and transmission facilities had undergone stringent inspections indicating the Texas grid was ready for winter. Implied was that the grid disaster of the previous February, which left hundreds dead and millions without power or heat for […]

Guest column: Inflation, rising energy prices could squeeze U.S. families

Via The Pottstown Mercury: Americans have their hands full right now. The COVID pandemic has made a major resurgence. And at the same time, inflation just hit 7 percent — the highest rate in 40 years. Some of the toughest increases are happening in energy costs. In December, gasoline prices were up roughly 50 percent from a […]

The Loss of Dispatchable Fuel Diversity Reverberates in Europe

U.S. coal generation came roaring back last year, rebounding 17% from 2020 and grabbing market share from higher priced natural gas. The U.S. coal fleet is proving to be an invaluable price shock absorber amid energy-driven inflation here at home and coal is also an equally important missing price shock absorber in Europe. The U.S. […]

The Grid Crisis is Only Getting Worse

The New Year has arrived with bitter cold and winter storms that left almost 1 million households without power along the East Coast. The reliability of the nation’s energy systems is being tested once again and there is ever-growing concern they’re not up for the challenge. The North American Electricity Reliability Corporation (NERC) ended 2021 […]