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Colorado Energy Costs to Rise from Power Plant Regulations (Denver Post)

EPA’s rule on carbon emissions will hurt Colorado By Stuart Sanderson Guest Commentary This week, the Environmental Protection Agency is holding a public hearing in Denver regarding its proposed rule for carbon emissions from existing power plants. Even President Obama has acknowledged that the rule will drive up the cost of electricity and your utility […]

Indiana State Representative Opposes EPA Regulations (Warrick Publishing)

Standing up for Hoosiers By Ron Bacon – State Representative This will not be the first time you hear me talk about coal, nor will it be the last. I have spoken in the past about what I feel are destructive regulations passed on Indiana by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); regulations that are made […]

EPA Climate Rules – Quote

“The experience of this winter strongly suggests our nation’s bulk power system is at its limits” Phillip D. Moeller, commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatroy Commission April 10, 2014 Download Fact Sheet (PDF)

U.S. Senator David Vitter Statement on Power Plant Regulation Proposal

Vitter Summary Statement for Oversight Hearing of EPA’s Proposed Carbon Rule U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works “Oversight Hearing: EPA’s Proposed Carbon Pollution Standards for Existing Power Plants” Thank you, Chairman Boxer, for convening today’s hearing. I look forward to hearing from Administrator McCarthy, as all we have heard since EPA proposed this […]

NMA Urges Withdrawal of Flawed Power Plant Regulations (National Mining Association)

NMA’s Quinn Calls on EPA to Withdraw Flawed Climate Rule National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn joined leaders of a broad industry coalition this morning to call on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to withdraw and rework the flawed rule it proposed for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. In […]

States Urged to Reject EPA Power Plant Regulation Proposal (National Review)

Stand Up, Governors The states should resist the EPA’s all-pain, no-gain carbon regulations.  By Derrick Morgan In Washington, the executive branch is overreaching as never before, and Congress seems disinclined to do much to stop the Leviathan. For those who believe in limited government, the last, best hope for resistance appears to be the nation’s governors. They […]

Montana Groups Gearing to Fight EPA Proposals (Billings Gazette)

Groups gearing up for newest coal fight Montanans are gearing up for the latest round in the coal wars, with industry supporters trying to protect jobs while environmentalists seek a shift to renewable energy. At issue is the Obama administration’s proposal last month to cut by 30 percent nationwide the emissions of carbon dioxide — […]

U.S. Power Plant Turns to Russia for Coal (Bloomberg)

Hungry U.S. Power Plant Turns to Russia for Coal Shipment When New Hampshire’s largest utility needed to rebuild coal supplies after the past frigid winter, it turned to Russia rather than Appalachia in the U.S. Northeast or Wyoming’s Powder River Basin. The Doric Victory, a bulk carrier the length of two football fields, transported the […]

U.S. Senator John Walsh Says EPA Proposal Misses Mark (Laurel Outlook)

Senator: Obama misses the mark on coal’s future By JOHN WALSH U.S. Senator President Obama is missing an important opportunity to protect jobs that rely on Montana’s traditional energy industries. The President recently proposed new rules for coal-fired power plants. As I travel around Montana, I hear from anglers, farmers and ranchers that our changing climate […]